That was close!

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Hello guys it's me Luna, I know I said that I won't be updating this whole week but I have been feeling a little bit better so I did, anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you for all the positive comments, your the best readers ever❤️

Lucy's pov~

We were deciding on which movie to watch " Twilight!" I said " No! Lights out!" Said Gajeel "Twilight!" " Lights out!" " Twilight!" " Lights out!" "TWILIGHT!" " LIGHTS OUT!" " TWILIGHT!!!"  " LIGHTS OUT!!! " SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!!" Yelled Laxus.

" but onee-chan~I wanna watch Twilight~~" I pouted and did my puppy dog eyes, Laxus turned red and the 10 idiots and Colt glared at him. " Let's just watch Twilight." Said Laxus, " NO WAY!!!" Yelled everyone else.

" We're watching Twilight or else I'm going to sleep." I said " Urg fine!" Said Gajeel " Yay!" I hugged Gajeel, he turned red and everyone else glared at him, what is with all the glaring? 

" Hey Lucy what's those marks?" Asked Zeref,damn I forget the marks that Mason gave me!           " Uhhh what marks?" I asked, " Those Marks!" Yelled Cobra, everyone turned to look at me.

"Who gave you those marks?" Growled Colt, Colt was very protective of me and I loved it!

I looked away " Tell us!!" Yelled Sting and damn he looked angry " I um." I bit my lip I can't tell them!

" Did a guy gave you those Marks?" Asked Rogue angrily " yes.." I squealed, " WHAT?!!!?!" All of them yelled.

" What the hell happened!?" Yelled Laxus " And you better not lie to us bunny girl!" Growled Gajeel " I can't tell you." I said with tears in my eyes, their eyes softened but they were still angry.

" Why do you even care?" I asked " Beacuse Lucy we care." Said Natsu " No matter how many times you deny it we do care." Said Gray " And we always will." Said Loki.

" Please Lucy tell us what you really are!" Said Zeref, I looked towards Colt and he looked furious but he nodded.......well here goes nothing " Okay, I'm the..............................................

I'm back again! ( € - € ) I just wanted to day that I will be updating on Wednesdays and Sundays but sometimes I might update on more days like next week I will probably update 3 or 4 times, so that was pretty much it also I wanted to ask if any of you watched lights out, it's a horror movie and super creepy and it didn't help that I watched it at night, like seriously when the movie started I was like ( ^ - ^) the middle ( O - O) the end ( TT - TT) anyway I really enjoy writing this book so I hope you guys do to! Also as the story goes through some of you may think that I'm  copying someone else but trust me I'm not so before anyone starts to assume that I am please read the rest of the story! And that's all I wanted to say, have a good week people! Byeeeeee~

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