Learning more....(Part 2)

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After we stopped laughing Jellal asked me a question " Then what's the tattoo on Colt's shoulder?" He asked " Oh that, well you see in the magical world we have gangs." I answered "Wait...what! Gangs!?!??" All of them yelled, how do they do that!?!? I must know!!!! 

" Yeah Gangs." I answered in a duh voice " So everyone has gangs?" Asked Laxus " Well not everyone only the people that want one or who are strong." I said " Cool! So what's Colt's gang?' Asked Natsu excitedly " My gang is called The Red Blood Gang." Colt answered.

" That's a awesome name!!!" Yelled Sting Colt chuckled " Are you in a Gang Bunny girl?" Asked Gajeel " Mmm yah." I said " What's it called?" Asked Zaref, " The Legendary Gang." I answered "That's  cool!! But where's your tattoo?" Asked Gray.

I pulled my shirt off my shoulder to show them my tattoo...

" That's so cool!!!!" Natsu said excitedly " Didn't it hurt

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" That's so cool!!!!" Natsu said excitedly " Didn't it hurt." Asked Rogue as he looked at my tattoo " Yeah but not that much." I said, then their eyes fell on something that made them furious "That still doesn't explain the marks on your neck and shoulder!!!!!!!!!" Roared Colt, the 11 idiots agreeing with him.

I quickly pulled up my shirt so they would be able to see " Well?" Said Colt impatiently " Who gave you those marks!?!?" Asked Colt " I...um...uh...Mason..." I whispered but all of they still heard it " WHAT!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!" Roared Everyone.

" You mean Mr.Mason, the history teacher!?!?" Asked Loki " No Mason the rat....of course Mason the teacher!!" I said " I'm gonna kill him!!!!!" Yelled Colt " Wait no!" I said " Why!" Colt roared "Because ......he said that he loved me..." I whispered the last part.

" HE SAID WHAT!?!??" They all roared again " what did you say!?" Asked Gajeel " I didn't say anything....." I mumbled " Did he force himself on you!?!? If so I'll kill him!?!??!?" Roared Colt "Uh no.....I....kind..of let him....' I mumbled " Why didn't you resist!?!?" Yelled/asked Midnight.

" Was it because if your heat!?!?!?" Yelled Colt " Yeah....." I whispered, Colt looked furious "What's heat?" Asked Rogue though he was still mad " Well heat is something that happens to every Princess to help find a king since you can't become Queen unless you have a king.." I replied.

" It happens every year for three weeks and two days." " Wait but when your in heat what happens?" Asked Sting " Well, you get sexually attractive to any boy you see." I answered nervously, they all looked shocked, " It only happens to princesses?" Asked Cobra " Yeah." I answered,my body started to heat up, ahhhh!! No not again!!!!! 

" Are....are you in heat right now?" Asked Gray " Yeah so that's why I must be going.....bye!!!!!" I said and ran to my room and slammed my door shut, I can't believe I just told them everything "Sigh" I hope I made the right choice..............now to do something about this stupid heat!!!!! Sometimes I wish I never was a princess!!!!!!!!!!!!( ¥ - ¥ ) 

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