Welcome to the Club!!!

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Lucy's pov

We entered the club and I could just stare in awe, the club was absolutely magnificent!

The music was playing and the people were dancing! " So what do you guys wanna do first?" Asked Cobra " I don't know about you but I'm gonna go dance!!

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The music was playing and the people were dancing! " So what do you guys wanna do first?" Asked Cobra " I don't know about you but I'm gonna go dance!!." I yelled, the music was way too loud so I doubt anyone heard it.

I ran to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance, I moved my hips and ran my hands all over my body, people around me stopped dancing and watched me yet I kept dancing, after awhile I got bored and went to get a drink.

I sat down on the table and asked the waiter to get me one shot, I drank all of it and ordered another, I kept drinking until I had a total of 20 shots, I was seriously drunk right now!

I went back to the dance floor and I managed to walk without stumbling, yay me! I started to move my body to the beat and soon enough I was dancing without a care in the world.

After sometime a handsome boy came up to me, he had blond hair and blue eyes " Hey there hottie my names Lucas." Said Lucas " Hey there Lucas my names Lucy but you can call me what-ever-your-last-name-is~" I said seductively, he chuckled.

" Wanna dance?" He asked " Sure~" I purred, he and I started to dance, I moved my hips with his and wrapped my arms around his neck, he started to grind on me, I was drunk and the heat was taking affect so I didn't really know what I was doing but it sure as hell felt good.

I giggled " You must really want me~" I purred, I just giggled....oh my gosh! Something is very wrong with me...I never giggle! " More then you think princess~" he whispered in my ear and bit it, I groaned.

" How about we leave this place and go somewhere more private~" he purred but before I could respond someone grabbed me behind and hugged me " Sorry but she's with me!" That person hissed, I turned around to see Midnight.

" So, she probably doesn't even like you that's why she was all over me!" Lucas hissed back "Well I'm taking her back right now!" Midnight snapped and walked away while dragged me with him.

He pulled me to where the rest of the boys were " Kitten! Where were you we were worried!" Yelled Colt " She looks like she's drunk." Said Laxus " I don't know what your talking about~ I'm perfectly fine~" I said and suddenly lost control of my footing and ending up falling but thankfully Cobra caught me before I could.

" Yup, she's definitely drunk!" Said Gray " Wasted." Said Gajeel " We should go back." Said Rogue, " Yeah." Agreed Zeref " It could be very dangerous since Lucy's drunk and going through her heat!" Said Sting.

" Well what are we waiting for let's go!" Yelled Loki, we ran back and Jellal carried me so I couldn't get away " Whose gonna drive?" Asked Colt " I'll drive!" Said Natsu excitedly " I always thought that a dragon could kill me but I guess it's gonna be Natsu." Said Colt.

The others nodded their heads sadly " Hey! I'm right here ya' know!" Yelled Natsu " Stop yelling! It's making my head hurt!" I yelled " Well dear that's what you call a hangover." Said Colt " Let's go!" Yelled Jellal " I said stop yelling!!" I yelled " Opps!" Said Jellal innocently.

We went into the car and drove off, after 40 minutes we made it back to the school, Colt carried me back to my bed " Kitten how come you always get in trouble?" Asked Colt, I tried to say a sassy comment back but I was very sleepy.

" Just sleep my kitten I will never let anything harm you." Colt said and kissed my forehead and left, I feel asleep thinking about the 12 idiots....MY 12 idiots..........

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