Another Morning......

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Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm so happy! Fairy tail: Dragon's cry is coming out on june 6 2017!!! When I heard the news I almost cried!!! Can you believe it!! After all that wait!!!!!!This is the best news ever!!!!!! I can't wait! That's why I posted this chapter in the owner of Fairy tail's new movie!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I'm so happy! Fairy tail: Dragon's cry is coming out on june 6 2017!!! When I heard the news I almost cried!!! Can you believe it!! After all that wait!!!!!!This is the best news ever!!!!!! I can't wait! That's why I posted this cha...

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Lucy's Pov~

🌹 I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing " Ahhh!! Stupid Alarm clock!" I yelled and slammed my alarm clock, I got up and went to my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and showered, after I changed into my uniform.

Today's the first day of school after spring break, I went outside to see all of the boys watching TV, Why aren't they ready!?!?!?! " Why aren't you guys  ready?" I asked " Because we don't wanna go to school." Said Laxus, not on my watch "No way! Your all going to school!" I said.

" Yeah we don't think so." Said Colt " Seriously you too Colt!" I said " We're not going and that's it!" Said Sting " Well then I just have to make you!" I said evilly " Whatever you have planed, we are not going." Said Midnight " Oh we'll see about that!' I said and grabbed something from inside my bag.

" What are you doing?" Asked Cobra " What are you taking out?" Asked Jellal, I took out a dagger and held it infront of them....

They all looked shocked " Hey, that's not fair!" Natsu yelled " Yeah you have that giant dagger and we have nothing!" Gray yelled, I wiggled the dagger around " Well too bad, now you have two choices, you can either go to school with me save and s...

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They all looked shocked " Hey, that's not fair!" Natsu yelled " Yeah you have that giant dagger and we have nothing!" Gray yelled, I wiggled the dagger around " Well too bad, now you have two choices, you can either go to school with me save and sound or you go to school with me but with your arms missing...." I said creepily while tilting my head.

All the boys shivered, " That ain't fair bunny girl!" Said Gajeel " Yeah!" Agreed Zeref " Fine then I guess I just have to cut all of your arms off...........I wonder if you will still be popular with half of your face missing....." I said innocently and raised my dagger in a position that looked like I was gonna attack them.

All of the boys widened their eyes " Okay! Okay! We're going Woman! Just don't cut us!" Said Rogue and ran to his room, I looked at the others " We're going! We're going!" Said Loki raising his hands and running to his room, the rest fallowed behind him and ran to their rooms too.

" Well that was fun!" I said happily and sat down on the couch, I placed the dagger in my bag, I always had the dagger it made me feel protected. The boys came out of their rooms after a few minutes, I looked at each of them and saw all of them ready.

" Okay let's go!" I yelled and ran out the door, I poked my head back into the living room " And if I don't see you in school I will make sure you will never walk again!" I yelled and glared at each of them to show them that I was not kidding around.

They all shivered and said okay in a small voice " Good boys!" I said in a happy voice and skipped all the way to my lockers, the reason I didn't walk with the boys was because the girls locker and the boys locker were separate.

I looked at my school sheet to see that I had history eyes widened, oh no!...... 🌹 

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