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After the boys stopped shouting they started the smirk, " What?" I asked the boys but in return their smirk just got wider " Okay, you guys are starting to freak me out so I'm just gonna go to my new room." I said as I walked away but I still felt their eyes fallowing me, maybe their planing on how to kill me in their mind ahhhhh "shivers".

 When I  entered my room there was bed in the middle, a light blue bookshelf at the side of the bad, a white table and a light blue chair next to the bookshelf, a window at the top of the table, a bathroom, a closet and the floor and walls were white also two light blue couches at the middle of the room with a glass table, hm the room is pretty nice, better start unpacking if I wanna be done before dinner.

 I'm done with putting all of my clothes in the closet and I set all of my books on the bookshelf, maybe I should go take a shower then I'll cook something for dinner ugh I just realized that I would have to cook for the 11 idiots I wish the ground would just open and eat the 11 idiots but that's never gonna happen "sigh".

 I went into the bathroom turned on the water, shampooed my hair and body, dried myself, put a towel around myself  and went outside but what I saw wasn't what I was expecting.....

" What the hell are you guys doing in my room!!" I yelled at the 11 idiots, yup standing in the middle of the room were the 11 idiots, Natsu had my clothes that I was going to change into and the others were smirking but when they realized I was only in my towel their face turned red but they still had their stupid oh-so-famous smirk.

 I just wanted to slap that smirk of their faces "you know you should always wear that." Said Loki as he licked his lips, ugh pervert " just give me my clothes back." I said while I took out a gun form the back side of my towel and hid it behind my back.

" No way, but how about you take of that towel than maybe we will give your clothes back." Says the pervert Cobra there was a lot "Yeahs" and  " Uh huhs" fine! You guys leave me no choice, I took my gun form behind my back and held it infront of me all of the boys gasped.

" What, surprised." I said as I wiggled the gun around " Where did you get that!" Asked a very shocked Laxus " None of your business, just hand me the clothes and get out." I said, they gave me back my clothes and left, I changed into my clothes and pulled my hair into a braid.

" I said, they gave me back my clothes and left, I changed into my clothes and pulled my hair into a braid

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    Imagine that's Lucy but with brown eyes.

After I got dressed I looked at the gun, ha they still don't know who I really am, they just think I'm a weak and pathetic girl oh how wrong they are....................

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