Just a Dream......

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Hello people It's me Luna, I just wanted to say that some people are saying that I'm copying someone else's story which is not true, it may look like that but believe me my story is completely different so I would appreciate if don't blame me of copying anyway enjoy beautiful people, bye~ until next time

Lucy's Pov~~~~

There infront of me stood a half naked Sting, my eyes  widened, " Lucy are you okay!! I heard a sound-----Oh my gosh!"Sting turned red when he realized that I was only in my bra and underwear.

Sting only had pants on, his chest was completely bare which led me to see his amazing 6 pack, suddenly I felt extremely hot!!

" Mm nothing, I was just getting some ice cream since I was hot." I replied, I need to get out of here before something happens! " Well bye." I said as I ran to my room completely forgetting about the ice cream.

" What should I do now." I mumbled, I still couldn't get the image of the half naked Sting out of my mind! "Maybe I should sleep, yeah I'll do that" I mumbled........









My body began moving on its on as it walked towards Sting, "Lucy what are you doing?" Asked Sting but I could hear the lust in his voice. When I was infront of Sting I traced his bare chest with my fingers. 

Sting groaned as my skin made contact with his, suddenly Sting picked me up and carried me to his room. He dropped me on his bad and locked the door, " Sting~" I said.

As if Sting lost all control he got on top of me and started to kiss my neck, " Mmmh~" I moaned, I'm pretty sure he could see the marks that Mason gave me but he doesn't say anything.

He started to kiss his way down my chest then he stopped " Sting~ why you stop~" I whined, I didn't know what I was saying all I could think about was Sting, it was like someone was controlling me.

" Tell me Lucy, what do you want~?" He asked huskily, " You, I want you~." I said as I kissed him but I didn't stop there " I need you Sting~ I want you~."

 I whispered in his ear then I started to kiss his earlobe.I didn't wanna say that but I couldn't control myself, I felt Sting get red.

Sting stopped and started to rub himself against me " Gah! " Moaned Sting " oh! Oh! Oh~ Sting~~" I moaned, I didn't wanna stop, I never wanted to stop!

" Lucy~ you feel so damn good~" Said Sting, " Ah! Mo-Ahhh more! Pl- Ahhh!! Please." I moaned, He's just rubbing himself on me and It feels so good! I wonder what it would feel when he's--------------








I suddenly woke up, panting, that was such a weird dream, I can't believe I just dreamed of me and Sting making love! " Groan" it's all because of this stupid heat! Why did it have to happen right now! I looked over to the alarm clock that was on the side table, it was only 3:00 pm "Groan" I'm just gonna go back to sleep. 

I laid my head on my fluffy pillow and fell asleep............

!!!!!!!!!READ!!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!

Hello guys it's me Luna....again! Anyway, this whole love thing may be uncomfortable for some of you so I just wanted to say that it's only gonna last for 3 or 4 more chapters so please keep reading! Bye until next time~ (^ - ^|)

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