More secrets.......

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I do not owe Fairytail nor the pictures I only owe the characters that I made up.

Lucy's pov

( It's morning now just to let you people know.) I hope I made the right choice.....anyway I better get ready just because it's spring break doesn't mean I don't have stuff to do. Today's Monday which means today I have to visit the hospital to see someone very special to me..............

I made my way to my closet and got out the clothes that I was gonna wear today,since I was meeting her today I should dress nicely .........

I made my way to my closet and got out the clothes that I was gonna wear today,since I was meeting her today I should dress nicely

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After I was done dressing up I went to my dressing table and got out the Heart necklace.

I put on my necklace and walked out to the living room. All of the boys were playing video games but stopped when they saw me  " Hey Luce, where ya going?" Asked Natsu, I already told them way to much but I just can't tell them about....her.......not even Colt knows.

" the mall." I managed to say, the heat was taking affect again so I needed to go! "Really but you just went yesterday." Said Rogue " So what I wanna go again." I snapped, I knowI I sounded rude but if I stay here any longer I'm gonna to something that I'll regret later!

" Okay but why are you so dressed up?" Asked Zaref, oh my gosh! Why do they have so many questions! " Because I'm meeting a friend later." I answered, which wasn't a lie because after I was meeting the girls at the mall.

" When are you gonna be back?" Asked Laxus " I don't know so don't wait for me." I said, they all looked at me - _-  until Colt came towards me and kissed my cheek " Okay kitten but be careful." He whispered in my ear, I shivered.

The 11 idiots growled at him and Colt smirked back, meh whatever, after saying goodbyes I went out the dorm and out the school. I started to make my way to the hospital " Sigh" I haven't seen her in forever I hope she's okay.

I looked ahead and saw the hospital, I ran towards it, I walked up to the receptionist, I've been here a lot of times so she just nodded and told me to go to room number 205, I thanked her and ran towards the room.

I first knocked and when she said come In I walked inside, I looked at her with tears in my eyes, after all that she still looked beautiful, her beautiful blonde hair laid on the bed and her beautiful blue eyes filled with tears when she saw me " Hello mother................"

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