Not again!

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Lucy's pov~

So in the end Mira bought me 20 dresses "Sigh" Anyway I still haven't got a call from Dr.Jake I'm starting to get worried, I went to the hospital at 12:00 and right now it's 7:00 it's been seven hours! Well he did say that it's gonna take some weeks or even months but still he could have at least told me if he took the test or not!!!!

" Can we go eat something now!?" Asked Levy " Okay let's go!" Yelled Mira and ran to the restaurant in the mall " How can she still have that much energy after seven hours of shopping!" I asked shocked " I don't know Lucy...I don't know...." Said Lisanna while shaking her head.

After we finally caught up with Mira we sat down on a empty table, a waiter came up to us  "Hello ladies, what may I get for you today?" Said the waiter, and dang was he fine~~

I felt my body get hot, oh no! Levy,Erza,Lisanna,Juvia and Mira told him what they wanted " And what do you want miss?" He asked " I want you~" I purred in his ear, he raised a eyebrow at me "Uh

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I felt my body get hot, oh no! Levy,Erza,Lisanna,Juvia and Mira told him what they wanted " And what do you want miss?" He asked " I want you~" I purred in his ear, he raised a eyebrow at me "Uh..I mean um I'll get the dragon fire soup." I said quickly, he smirked " Very well m'lady and by the way my name's Luke ." He said and walked away.

I looked at the girls to see if they heard me but they seemed busy talking you each other " Did you guys notice how hot that guy was!" Said Lisannna " Juvia thinks he is.." Said Juvia " True!" Chuckled Mira " Now now girls let's not talk about that." Said Erza but I could see her checking him out.

Talking about him made me feel weird so I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I made my way to the bathroom but before I could get in someone pushed me inside " Whoa!" That person locked the door, I turned around and was shocked at what I saw....

Luke was standing there " Hey! What's the big idea-----mmh!" Luke suddenly kissed me! " You know when you purred in my ear it made me very hard~ and its rude to not do anything about it~" he purred in my ear.

No matter how much I liked this, this was wrong! " Luke let me go!" I said " No can do sweet heart~" he purred again and started kiss my neck " No stop!" I tried to push him away but since heat was taking affect on me, half of me didn't want to push him away.

" Ah....ah!" I couldn't help but moan " haha~ I know your liking this~" he groaned into my ear "Hahhhh....." I moaned " Stop...stop....stop it.." I said " Stop fighting it! You know you like it~ so just stop~!" He said, he started to kiss his way down my neck " Ahhh!" I moaned.

I need to stop this...I have to....but... my body.... doesn't...want to.......this is all happening because of the dang heat!!! Luke then kissed me again " Mmmh." I groaned, he pushed his tongue inside my mouth " Ahhh.......hahhhh." I groaned inside my mouth.

He touched every part in my mouth with his tongue " Nahhhhh." I moaned, his hands made its way to my breast, my eyes widened No! Stop! " You taste amazing~" he purred in my ear.

I feel so weak so disgusting useless, I'm the princess of dragons, I have killed thousands of people yet I can't believe I can't push away a human! I felt tears fill my eyes but I refused to cry...I'm not weak! 

" Don't worry sweet heart it's only gonna hurt for a bit." He said and started to unzip his pants...Wait! No! This can't be happening!!!!! He was gonna take off my dress but before he could a fist hit his face...........what! looked up and was shocked to see.......

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