Best Roommates Ever! (Part 2)

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I do not owe FairyTail or the characters I only owe the characters that I made up I also do not owe the pictures that I uploaded.

Lucy's pov~

I felt the car stop and someone picked me up and carried me back to my room, which I'm  guessing is Colt, after Colt left I started to fall into a deep slumber thinking about the 12 idiots.....

I woke up from the burning ray of the sun " Stupid sun..." I mumbled, I got up and went to the bathroom and did what I do every morning, after I went to the closet to decide what to wear, I did buy a lot of clothes yesterday so way not wear one of them!

" I mumbled, I got up and went to the bathroom and did what I do every morning, after I went to the closet to decide what to wear, I did buy a lot of clothes yesterday so way not wear one of them!

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Imagine that's Lucy but with blonde hair.

After I got dressed I wore my heart necklace and walked out my room. I saw no one in the living, they're probably still sleeping since after they saved me from that monster ( if some of you are confused the monster is Luke) we come pretty late last night, my heart hurt just thinking about last night.......

But I'm not gonna let that make be unhappy! I'm gonna go to the soccer match that's gonna happen today! But before I could walk out a person from behind me grabbed my arm, I turned around to see the 11 boys and saw that Colt was the one that grabbed my arm.

I raised my eyebrow " No..No! No! That's not happening! You can NOT go outside!" Said Colt "And why's that?" I asked " Because it's dangerous!" Said Zeref " And don't forget your still in your heat Bunny Girl." Said Gajeel.

" But...But!.." " No but's! Your not going out and that's final!!" Said Colt " Fine!" I huffed and sat down on the couch pouting  " Good kitty~" purred Colt and patted my head, I blushed a little and turned my face so they couldn't see, I could hear the 11 idiots growling at Colt.

" So what do you guys wanna do since I can't leave the dorm!" I said and glared at all of them "'s for your protection!" Said Sting " Yeah!" Nodded Rogue " We couldn't have let our princess get hurt~" purred Loki.

Why is everyone purring!!! I just pouting and turned my head away but I was smiling on the inside, I'm glad that I have these 12 idiots for my roommates........

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