Please be okay Lucy!!

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Colt's pov~~

It's 8:30 and we are starving! None of us know how to cook and Lucy isn't here! If I don't eat something right now I'm gonna go crazy!! " Guys lets  just go out to eat..." Said Midnight, Sing's, Natsu's and Cobra's eyes lit up " Well what are we waiting for! Let's go!"  Said Natsu and ran out the dorm.

We fallowed him, we stopped infront of a black BMW " Whose car is that?" I asked " All of ours." Replied Laxus " Enough chit chat let's go!" Said Cobra, we all got into the car and Laxus started to drive.

We went to the closest restaurant which was in a mall, we sat down on a empty table " Guys look over there." Pointed Jellal, we looked at where he was pointing and saw Lucy's friends but no Lucy.

" Lucy's friends are there but where is Lucy?" Asked Loki " Maybe in the bathroom." Said Gray "Let's go sit with them!" Said Natsu, there were 12 empty chairs so we sat there  " Hey! Your Lucy's  roommates!" Said a white haired girl.

"Yeah we are, I'm Rogue,this is Sting,Zaref,Jellal,Midnight,Cobra,Gajeel,Gray,Natsu,Loki,Laxus and Colt." Rogue said pointing to each of us " Nice to meet you I'm Erza, this is Levy,Lisanna,Mira, and Juvia.".

" Didn't Lucy come with you guys?" Asked Midnight " Yeah." Answered Mira " Then where is Bunny Girl?" Asked Gajeel, the girls looked at him confused " He means Lucy." I said " Oh, she went to the bathroom 20 minutes ago, she hasn't came back since then." Said Erza.

" Did something happen?" Asked Gray " No not really." Said Lisanna " Was she acting weird?" I asked " Well now that you mention it, Lucy was acting weird when this waiter came to get our orders." " Was the waiter a boy?" Asked Jellal " Yup." Said Juvia.

Me and the boys looked at each other and thought the same thing "HEAT", " What was the boy's name?" I asked " It was Luke." Said Mira, I nodded at the boys and we ran to the front table "Hello what may I do for you?" Asked a man that was on the front table.

" Where is Luke!" Yelled Cobra, we all were very worried since Lucy couldn't control her emotions when she's is heat, the man looked at us scared, I couldn't blame him it's not everyday that 12 boys come up to you and start yelling " went to the....b-bathroom 2-2-20 minutes ago..." He said frightened.

We ran towards the bathroom, please be okay Lucy! 

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