New Friends! Yay!

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                It was finally Lunchtime and I was starving, I went into the cafeteria got my food and looked around, there was different tables for everyone, their was a the popular table, the jocks table, the cheerleader table, the nerd table, and there was a few tables at the back that weren't labeled I saw levy and a few other people siting next to her I'm guessing those are her friends.    

      While I was walking to the back I noticed the stupid boys that I met today sitting  on the popular table, as I was walking past them they looked up and smirked every single one of them,I just ignored them and walked right past them, I sat down on the table and greeted levy and her friends, " Lucy, meet my friends Erza, Juvia, Mirajane, Wendy, and Lisanna." Levy introduced me to her friends " Nice to meet you." I said, during lunch we got to know each other and become friends.

After school was over, I was so excited to know who my dorm mates are! I started to walk to dorm-C since the old ma------ I mean Makarov told me that's were I will be staying in but I can't help wonder why master Makarov was sweating when he told me I will be staying in dorm-C it's probably nothing, after 20 minutes of searching I decided to ask someone where dorm-C is

I saw Erza walking in the hallway, " Wait! Erza." I ran to where Erza was " Oh hello Lucy, do you need something." Asked Erza " Oh um well I was wondering if you knew where dorm-C is." I asked kind of embarrassed, " Why do you need to know where dorm-C is." Asked a very shocked Erza, Hm I wonder why is she so shocked " Because  I'm staying at dorm-C." I replied, Erza's mouth dropped open and her eyes got wide " Is something wrong Erza." I asked I didn't know why she was so surprised and it was making me curious " Nothing is wrong! Um I mean..." Replied Erza rather quickly, I guess if she doesn't wanna say something I can't force it out of her " Um okay, so can you tell where dorm-C is." I asked " Oh um yeah just turn......"        

 After Erza told me where dorm-C was I thanked her and left, I can't wait to meet by roommates! It's gonna be awesome!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter and once again this is my first story so don't hate.

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