11 bad boys.

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I went outside and saw all of them playing videos, I'm just gonna make dinner, should I ask them if they want any nah but ugggggghhhhh I'll just ask them " Do you guys want dinner."I asked please say no please say no " Yeah." All of them replied, great just my luck.

I went into the kitchen I decided to make chicken wings, ingredients check, chicken check, spices check, okay I have everything I need, after I was done I placed it on dinning table and called them out " Food is ready!" I screamed, all of them came running out,when they saw the chicken wings their eyes got wide and they started to drool, I giggled.

 "What's so funny blonde?" asked Sting "Nothing." I replied and started to walk to my room  "Aren't you gonna eat bunny girl." Asked Gajeel " No, I already ate while I was cooking." I lied, the boys looked like they didn't believe me but they let it go, to tell the truth I actually didn't eat I never eat that much that's why I'm so skinny.

I was siting on the bed reading a book when I got a message on my phone, hm its from Levy..


Hey Lucy, me and my friends are going to the beach, do you wanna come along?


Sure levy, what time?


6:00 pm.


Isn't that a little late?


Well we were thinking that we could have a little party at the beach after.


Okay, I'll see you then, bye.



Hm right know its 5:00 pm, I should get ready, I wore by clothes and underneath it I had a bikini and I let my hair down. 

Imagine that's Lucy but with brown eyes and shorts that reach her thighs

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Imagine that's Lucy but with brown eyes and shorts that reach her thighs.

Above my clothes I wore a black jacket that covers me till my thighs, I checked the time it was 5:45 Levy and the girls are probably waiting outside, I went outside and saw the boys watching Tv but when they saw me they stopped, " Where are you going Lucy?" Asked Rogue, it was none of their business but I still told them so they wouldn't worry not like they would worry about me but still.

" The beach." I replied " Can we come along?" Asked Zeref absolutely not I will not let them ruin this for me! " Nope." I said and walked away " But why not?" Natsu asked while whining "Because I don't want you to ruin it for me." I said, than I saw all of the boys smirking

 " What are you guys smirking about." " Oh nothing." Said Midnight " Okay than, I'm gonna go." I said " Have fun on your trip." Said Gray while having a smirk on his face, well okay than, I went outside and saw Levy and the girls waiting inside the car.

I looked at the window and saw all the boy's staring at me I just stuck out my tongue at them and they gave me the middle finger then I took a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote "Perverts" on it and showed it to them they just growled at me.

I went inside the car and greeted all my friends " Hey people, your queen is back!" I shouted they just laughed at my silliness, " Hey um Lucy there are 11 boy's staring at us thought the window." Said Wendy " Oh their my roommates." I said " juvia feels so bad that your have to live with them." Said juvia " Nah, it's fine their not so bad." " Let's just go before they start chasing us." I said, Erza nodded and started to drive, I looked out the window, I can finally have a peaceful day without the 11 idiots around me........oh how wrong I was....................

Hey people it's me Luna, I hope you like the story, since this is my first story It might be a while before I update or I'll update a few chapters in a row, since I published five chapters I might not update for 4 to 5 days but anyway hope you enjoy and also please vote and comment. ^ ~ ^

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