The truth...........

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Previously on " Love Triangle"~

" Please Lucy tell us what you really are!" Said Zeref, I looked towards Colt and he looked furious but he nodded.......well here goes nothing " Okay, I'm the..............................................

Lucy's pov~

" I'm the Dragon Princess......" I said, everything got quite then everyone started to laugh " Good one Lucy." Said Sting while laughing " Lucy isn't kidding, she's telling the truth!" Said Colt as he came to stand by my side, everyone stared at us in shock.

" That can't be true! It's not possible!" Said a very shocked Loki " Yes it is! Haven't you ever wondered why I have been avoiding you!" I yelled, I knew this was gonna happen that's why I didn't wanna tell them.

"'t....its...not possible..." Said Jellal " See, this is why I didn't wanna tell you!" I said and started to go back to my room but before I could Zeref grabbed my arm " No Lucy stay, tell us more!" He said " Yeah we wanna know more, we were just shocked." Said Rogue.

" " Sigh" okay." I said " So what do you wanna know?" I asked " What do you mean when you said that your the princess of dragons?" Asked Laxus " Well on the other side of this world there's a realm that's for dragons and I'm the princess of that realm." I said.

 " Dragons!!!! You mean dragons are real!?!?!?" Asked Gray and Cobra "Told you! Hey Lucy is there a food dragon!?" Told/Asked Natsu, " Yes there is Natsu." I chuckled, Natsu's yes lit up with excitement.

" Anyway, does the dragon realm have a name?" Asked Rogue " Yeah, it's called Magnolia." I answered " How many Dragons are there in Magnolia?" Asked Midnight " More then a million." I said, they looked at me shocked, I just laughed.

" Do you have any super powers?" Asked Cobra " Well we have magical weapons." I answered "That's so cool!" Said Natsu, Cobra, and Sting.

" Wait but you said that Magnolia was the realm of dragons but your not a dragon.....right?" Asked Sting

 " Well you see dragons can turn into humans but in my case it's different, my mother is the queen of dragons so she's a dragon but my father is a human therefore I have the abilities of a dragon but I'm not an actual dragon since I have human blood in my body." I explained.

" What do you mean " is" aren't your parents dead?" Asked Gajeel " Oh those weren't my real parents, you see 15 years ago my mother Luna rose and my father Luca Gray..................

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