A Peaceful Day.....Ruined!!!!!

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After swimming we got out of the water " That was fun~" I said as I ran my hands all over my body trying to wipe the water drops of my skin in the corner of my eye I could see the boys on the beach having a nose bleed ugh perverts," Let's dry up and cover up than we can eat." Said Levy " Okay.".

 We all went to the basket that had extra clothes in them, I dressed in a black bra with red flowers on them and a black underwear with a skirt on top that was open on the side and also had red flowers on them,  I tied my hair in a half ponytail so my bangs and half of my hair was left open.

 We all went to the basket that had extra clothes in them, I dressed in a black bra with red flowers on them and a black underwear with a skirt on top that was open on the side and also had red flowers on them,  I tied my hair in a half ponytail s...

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Imagine that's Lucy but with blonde hair and brown eyes.

After I got dressed I went up to the girls to see them dressed up as well, we went to the car and brought tables, lights, a speaker and chairs and set them up on the beach, we took the basket of food on the table and starting to eat the food while talking and laughing buttttt that didn't last long because a current group of boys decided to butt in.......

" Hey Blondie you look like your having fun but you didn't invite us." Said Laxus " What are YOU people doing here." I said as I crossed my arms under my chest unconsciously making my chest bigger.

 That didn't go unnoticed by the 11 perverts  they started turning red " We um were wondering what you guys were doing so um we came to check." Said a very red Jellal but covered it up by smirking " Well now you know so you can get lost.".

I said removing my arms form under my chest but again that didn't go unnoticed by the 11 idiots they started to pout " No need to be mean Blondie we were just making sure you were okay." Said Rogue " Okay well now you know I'm okay so can you guys go.' I asked this time a little more  nicely.

" But we are hungry and we have no food." wined Natsu " Not my fault." I replied while putting my elbow on the table and putting my hand on the right side of my face I could hear the girls chuckling behind me " Oh come on have a heart." Said Midnight " Ugh fine just eat and then leave!" I said they ran to the basket got out the food and started to eat " I'm gonna go change girls." I said and saw the girls nodding.

I grabbed my clothes form the basket and went to the bathroom stall on the corner of the beach, I changed into a white shirt and black pants and put my hair in a ponytail, when I went back to the girls the boys were still stuffing their faces with food. 

They looked up as I came, they looked me up and down then pouted " What?" I asked " Why did you change you looked good wearing that bikini." Said Gray while pouting I just rolled my eyes "Perverts." I mumbled " We heard that!" Yelled the 11 idiots, I turned around and looked at the sky it was getting dark and it was getting colder I hugged myself, behind me I heard my friends and the 11 idiots fighting, another peaceful day ruined!

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