Get ready for a fun night!

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Lucy's pov~

I was sitting in the living with the 12 idiots, bored, " Sigh" " Lucy that's the tenth time you sighed!" Said Cobra " Not my fault I'm bored!" I snapped " Hey! Don't blame me! It's your dang heat's fault!" Snapped Cobra back.

" Well your not the one that can't go outside!" I said " Well it's not our fault that you get in trouble whenever you go outside!" Said Cobra " I do not!!" I yelled " Do so!" Yelled Cobra " DO not!" " Do so!" " DO NOT!!" " DO SO!!!!".

" Both of you shut up!!" Yelled Laxus, Colt and Jellal, we both pouted and looked away " How about we go somewhere at night." Suggested Gray " Let's go to a club!" Said Gajeel " Yes! Let's go there!" I said " No way! You missy are too young too go to a club!" Said Midnight.

" Prwtty plwase~" I said with the puppy dog eyes....

" Prwtty plwase~" I said with the puppy dog eyes

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" Oh..fine!" Midnight said blushing " Yay!" I said and hugged Midnight, I saw the boys and Colt glare at Midnight, Meh, " So when do we go!?" I asked excitedly " whoa clam down kitten~" teased Colt, I pouted " Like at 8:00 pm." Said Zeref.

I looked at clock to see that it was 7:00 " I have to get ready!" I yelled and dashed to my closet "What to wear...what to wear..." I mumbled running through my clothes " Ahh I give up! I have nothing to wear!" I said and fell on my bed.

I almost gave up but then I remembered the dresses that Mira got me, I ran to my closet and got out the dress that I thought would be perfect to wear to the club " Yes!" I yelled and did my happy dance. 

I went to the bathroom and showered, after my hair dried I curled my hair.......

I went to the bathroom and showered, after my hair dried I curled my hair

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After that I got out the dress that I was gonna wear and wore it...... 

 I never wore makeup but I guess once in a while doesn't hurt

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 I never wore makeup but I guess once in a while doesn't hurt.

After I was done I looked at myself in the mirror, I look good enough, I walked out of my room and into the living room to see all the boys already dressed, they all were on their phones but they looked up once they saw me

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After I was done I looked at myself in the mirror, I look good enough, I walked out of my room and into the living room to see all the boys already dressed, they all were on their phones but they looked up once they saw me.

" Lucy you take so much time---------" Said Sting but when he looked at me his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, that happened to all the boys " Well what are you guys waiting for! Let's go!" I said and ran outside.

We got into the car and took off to the club, yes I can finally have a fun night!!!

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