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Lucy's pov~

I went to the mall and saw the girls next to the public fountain " Hey girls!" I said running towards them, Erza,Levy,Juvia and Lisanna were there but there was also a similar girl like Lisanna but she was prettier and had longer hair.

" Hey Lucy, met Mira she's my sister." Said Lisanna " Oh hey." I waved " Your Lucy, Oh My Gosh!! They were right your so pretty I wonder who you'll good with!" Said Mira excitedly " Don't mind her she just likes to get people into relationships." Whispered Lisanna, I just nodded.

" Come one let's go shopping!" Yelled Levy excitedly, we went to every clothing shop there was in the  mall, we each had 10 bags " All of the clothes were so cute and pretty!" I said " And cheap." Said Erza " Juvia liked the clothes a lot!" Said Juvia.

" Well I'm tired so let's go eat something." Said Lisanna tiredly " Not yet we still have a stop left to go to!" Said Mira " What shop?" I said, Mira pointed to a shop on the left corner that was gold and white and had dresses, the shop was called " Dream dresses"

" No way! I'm not a big fan of dresses!" I said and waved my hands Into a cross back and forth "Nonsense! I heard you live in Dorm-C and all of the people there are boys so you need dresses to impress them!".

" Why do I need to impress them!?" I asked " Because Lucy dear! I don't want you to end up as lonely old lady with 17 dang cats!" Yelled Mira and pulled me towards the shops, I looked towards the girls but they just smirked at me.

We entered the shop and saw a a lady with black hair and blue eyes she looked like she was in her early 20's " Hello! My name is Emily and I'll be your helper for today, now what kind of dresses would you lovely ladys like?" Asked Emily.

" We would like short and tight dresses for this lady right here!" Said Mira while pushing me forward, Emily looked at me for a while " Very well fallow me." She said, she took us at the short dresses department and Mira started to ran around looking for "the perfect dress for me" that's what she calls it... " Oooo this would be good and this and also this......!!!!" Yelled Mira excitedly "Sigh" this is gonna be a long day...........

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