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Previously on " Love triangle" 

I first knocked and when she said come In I walked inside, I looked at her with tears in my eyes, after all that she still looked beautiful, her beautiful blonde hair laid on the bed and her beautiful blue eyes filled with tears when she saw me " Hello mother................"

Lucy's pov~

I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her " I missed you so much mom!" I said " I missed you to my beautiful daughter." My mother, Layla Heartfilia, said, " How are you doing?" I asked " Better..." She said  " I'm glad." I said smiling.

Then the doctor walked in " Ah Lucy Heartfilia I have been meaning to talk to you, why I was just about to call." Said Dr. Jake, Dr. jake is a 17 year old man with brown hair and brown eyes, he's also a very good friend of mine! 

 jake is a 17 year old man with brown hair and brown eyes, he's also a very good friend of mine! 

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 " About what doctor?" I asked nervously, hopefully it's not about my mother, she's been doing great!

" Oh don't worry! It's nothing serious but I need to talk to you about it alone so if you'll fallow me." Said Dr. Jake " I'll be right back mother." I said, I saw her nodding, I fallowed Dr.Jake to his office and sat down on a chair.

" Ms.Lucy as you know Mrs. Layla has been doing great these past months but just to make sure we have to do some tests." He said " What kind of tests." I said, my nervousness coming back again "Not anything dangerous just some blood tests." 

" Oh okay but why did you tell me that shouldn't you have just done it?" I asked " Well yes but you see this test will determine your mother's condition and whether she's stable enough to be outside." Answered Dr. Jake.

My eyes widened, if this test comes out positive I can finally have my mother back! " When are you gonna take the test?" I asked excitedly, mother's been doing great! I'm sure the test in gonna come out positive!

" Right now but it's gonna take some weeks or even months to get the results so you may leave right now and we'll call you later  to tell you the results." Doctor Jake said " Very well  just let me say goodbye to my mother." I said standing up " Of course." He said.

I walked back to room number 205 " Hey mother I have to go now but I'll back, promise." I said and hugged her " You know you don't have to visit me every now and then now that you have a real father and mother." My mother said sadly.

" Don't say that, you raised me, you took care of me but now it's my turn to do those things and I don't care whether your my original mother or not you'll always be MY mother." I said and kissed her hand " I love you my daughter." She said with tears in her eyes , I smiled " I love you too mom." I said and hugged her once again.

After saying goodbyes I left the hospital and made my way to the mall where I'll be meeting the girls.

 Layla Heartfilia wasn't my real mother, my parents gave me to her and her husband Jude Heartfilia but when I was eleven Layla my adopted mother got onto a car accident, her husband thought she was dead and blamed me but the truth was that she was still alive but in coma and no one told Jude that because when he heard that her wife went into a car accident he become mental, he used to hit me all the time, onetime he was even closed to raping me, then one day he was drunk and he was driving back to the mansion but he lost control and hit a tree and he died until then Virgo, my maid, has been taking care of me.........................

Hello people it's me Luna and I just wanted to say that Please comment and vote more but more importantly please comment more because when you guys comment I know if you liked the chapters or not because if you guys don't then I will not continue this story I know it seems a little harsh but please understand that when you guys don't comment I think that you guys don't like the chapters  so please please please try to comment more! That was all I wanted to say, bye wonderful people~

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