Jealously........No way!

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Lucy's pov~

🌹 Today was the last of spring break, my heat was already gone 2 weeks and 2 days ago so yippee~~ it's been 2 weeks since I was at the hospital, I still didn't get a call from Dr.Jake so I'm kinda getting worried, I tried not to think about the what if's.......

What if the report came out wrong?

What if something happened while they were taking the test?

What if my mother is never aloud to live the hospital?

What if I never get to see my mother again?

But no biggie, even if something did happen all that's gonna happen is that I'll never get to see my mother again, no big deal.

I just woke up and right now I'm glaring at the sun " Stupid sun!" I said, I got up and walked towards the bathroom, after I brushed my teeth and showered I went to my closet and got out the clothes that I was gonna wear....

I just woke up and right now I'm glaring at the sun " Stupid sun!" I said, I got up and walked towards the bathroom, after I brushed my teeth and showered I went to my closet and got out the clothes that I was gonna wear

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After I was done dressing up, I tied my hair into a ponytail.....

After I was done getting ready I went outside, the boys were sitting on the couch looking bored " Hey guys!" I said " Hey!" All of them said back " So what are you guys up too?" I asked and jumped on the couch " Nothing, we're just bored!" Said Na...

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After I was done getting ready I went outside, the boys were sitting on the couch looking bored " Hey guys!" I said " Hey!" All of them said back " So what are you guys up too?" I asked and jumped on the couch " Nothing, we're just bored!" Said Natsu and sat next to me.

" Wanna go somewhere?" I asked, they all looked at me " Yes!!" They all yelled, wow they must really be bored! " Well then let's go!" I said went out the dorm, I saw students talking and running in the halls.

We went into the car and I was driving ( I know you can only drive when your 18 years old and Lucy's only 15 but just imagine that you can drive when your 15.......I'll just go away now.(^ - ^) )

" By the way where are we going?" Asked Colt, I grinned evilly " We're going........















Shopping!" " NOOO!!!!!!!!" They screamed, they tried to get out of the car but before they could I started driving " Too late!" I said and drove towards the mall " You tricked us!" Yelled Sting "Hey! It's not my fault you guys didn't ask before you got into the car!" I yelled back.

When we reached the mall I ran toward different shops while the 12 boys fallowed me like lost puppy's. I was looking through clothes when two girls came up to the boys and started flirting ............I felt weird....what's this feeling........

" Hey there boys~" Girl one said " Wanna go get something to drink~" Girl two said, the two girls started to unbutton three buttons on their shirts, I scoffed, it was bothering me but it didn't seem like the boys were bothered, they were winking and smirking at them.

" Sorry but their with me!" I said and grabbed the nearest person which was Colt, I walked out with him the rest fallowing behind him " What was that?" Asked Jellal " What was what?" I asked still angry.

They all smirked at me " Your jealous!" Said Gajeel " Please. me. jealous, it wasn't my fault that those stupid girls were all over you!!" I scoffed " Ah Ha! You are jealous!" Said Cobra " Yeah!" Said Sting smirking " Definitely!" Said Rogue " You could feel the dark aura around her." Said Laxus.

" Of course not! I just took you here with me because...I..uh...because the sale was gonna end on that shop..yup that's it!" I said and ran into a random shop, I ran to the nearest dressing room and leaned against the wall.

What was that feeling.....could it be that I was actually jealous....could it be that I actually care for them......yes I do....I can't deny it any longer....I care for the 12 idiots......My 12 idoits. 🌹 

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