15 Years Ago.....

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Flash back 15 years ago

Third person pov~

The Queen Luna rose and the King Luca Gray ruled the kingdom known as Magnolia, they were great people and had everything they desired expect a child. Queen Luna prayed every day that they would have a child and finally the God blessed them with a beautiful daughter.

They named her Lucy Rose, they were overjoyed when they had her but their happiness didn't last long, you see in honor of the birth of the dragon princess the Queen and the King had a ball.

The invited the whole Kingdom including, vampires,werewolves, enchantress, angels, Devils,fallen angels, and Dragons but they forgot to invite one dragon.

When it was time for the gifts each enchantress gave Lucy a very special gift.

The first enchantress gave Lucy the gift of beauty.

The second enchantress gave Lucy the gift of wisdom.

The third enchantress gave Lucy the gift of great power.

The forth enchantress gave Lucy the gift of control and leadership.

The fifth enchantress was gonna give Lucy the most important gift of all, Love, but before she could the dragon, Acnologia, appeared before them " You had a ball yet you dare didn't invite me!" Roared Acnologia.

The Queen and King were furious when Acnologia ruined the ball, they didn't invite him because he is evil and has killed thousands. Acnologia was so mad that he cursed Lucy "When the dragon princess is 15 years old an accident will happen that will leave her heart broken so badly that she will forget to love!!!!!!!!." Roared Acnologia.

The Queen and King were horrified, they didn't want their special daughter to live wuthout love so they tried everything to break the curse but nothing worked, finally they made a decision, it broke their heart but they had to send Lucy away.

So the Queen and King gave Lucy away to a married couple, the heartfilia's, in the human world who were friends of the Queen and King. No one ever told Lucy about her real parents until she was ten, the Queen and King wanted Lucy to be familiar with the dragon world so they let her visit them.

Until then no one had ever seen Acnologia again but he was there in the shadows.....hiding........waiting..........

Flash back end.

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