Sugar rush....

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WARNING SEXUAL THINGS AHEAD... You have been warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 



The bell rang with meant that it was lunch, " Colt you go ahead, I'll catch up." I said " Okay but be careful." Said Colt " Okay~" I replied, after I packed my bag I walked to the door but before I could open the door I tripped on a chair and fell on top of Mr Mason....

" Said Colt " Okay~" I replied, after I packed my bag I walked to the door but before I could open the door I tripped on a chair and fell on top of Mr Mason

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Lucy and Mason but imagine Lucy with brown eyes...( ignore the bed and the fact that they are sitting on a bed....)

" Ah I'm sorry." I said, My chest was pressed on his chest and my legs were on his lap,I looked into Mr Mason's eyes and I saw......lust in his eyes??, Mr Mason wrapped his arm around waist, he looked at my lips and leaned closer " Lucy....." Mr Mason whispered " Mr Mason.." I said " Call me Mason.' Said Mr Mas-----I mean Mason " Mason.." I whispered and traced his lips with my finger, Mason groaned approvingly.

Mason suddenly put his lips on my collarbone, I moaned softly " Ah~ Mason" I can't believe I'm doing this with my teacher but he's only 2 years older then me so it's fair...No!! What's wrong with me this is wrong but it feels so good~.

Mason laid me down and got on top of me and started to kiss my neck " Ahhh~~~" I moaned this time a little louder " Moan my name Lucy...." Said Mason huskily " Mason~" I moaned, Mason groaned when I moaned his name.

Mason kept kissing,sucking, licking and biting my neck, I'm sure that that's gonna leave a mark but it feels so good~~"Mason Mason Mason~~ ahh~~" I moaned, Mason traced my legs with his fingers as he sucked on my neck "Mmmh~" Something was wrong with me, I couldn't think or feel anything except for Mason...

SEXUAL WARNING STOPS HERE!!!you innocent souls may read now...

Suddenly Mason stopped I whimpered when I couldn't feel his touch anymore, Mason just chucked " I hate to do this but you have to go back, your friends are probably worried." Said Mason as he helped me up, I grabbed my bag and walked to the door.

" Mason?" I asked " Yeah." Said Mason " Do.. Do you have feelings for me or are you just using me for my body?" I asked sadly.

It's not that I'm in love with Mason but the thought of him only using me makes me sad........ Something is definitely wrong with me!!!, Mason suddenly hugged me " Of course not Lucy! I like you I liked you ever since I saw you!" Said Mason as he nuzzled his face in my neck.

" But I know you don't feel the same way but I'm not gonna give up!" Said Mason as he looked into my eyes.

" I love you! And even if you don't I won't give up, I will never give up!" Said Mason, then he did something that made me widen my eyes....




Mason kissed me!! 

Mason pulled away and looked into my eyes " Lucy I won't give up on you, not now not ever." Said Mason, then he let go and walked out the door but not before looking back at me and smiling, I don't know why but when he stopped kissing me I felt disappointed, arrrrrrrrr!!!!! What the hell is wrong with me!!!!?!?!??!?

I grabbed my bag and ran to the girls bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw marks all over my neck, I can't believe I just did that! What's wrong with me! Wait.. Don't tell me it's that time! No! "Groan" I can't believe that the time has came...! I took out my hair from my braid and let it down so it covered up the marks, I looked at my watch, mmh it seems like there's still 25 minutes left till lunch is over.

I walked to my locker to put my bag away and walked towards the cafeteria, let's just hope no one noticed that I wasn't there or I'm really gonna be in trouble.....

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