A New Person....

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The shadows came closer, I saw that there was 40 people and all of them had red rose tattoos on their body,oh there from the Red Blood gang, why did they have to come right now, I'm not in the mood.

" What to you want."I asked, the one in the front chuckled " Aw is that anyway to treat your friend." the man said I recognized him as Colt, Colt had pink hair and blue eyes, he had a red rose tattoo on his right shoulder, Colt and I were friends and enemies since we were born, he is 16 years old so one year older then me since I'm 15 years old.

" the man said I recognized him as Colt, Colt had pink hair and blue eyes, he had a red rose tattoo on his right shoulder, Colt and I were friends and enemies since we were born, he is 16 years old so one year older then me since I'm 15 years old

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Colt but just imagine that he's wearing a black tank top and that his right sleeve is torn of and that there is a red rose there.

Colt but just imagine that he's wearing a black tank top and that his right sleeve is torn of and that there is a red rose there

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The Red Rose tattoo on Colt's right shoulder.

"Ha, friends right" I said, Colt chuckled again, I don't know what's so dang funny! "So, what do you want?" I asked impatiently, I was not in a good mood and I wanted to be alone " Come on can't a person visit there friend." Colt said innocently but from what I have learned Colt is anything but innocent.

 Suddenly  Colt moved with super speed as he came infront of me, he pushed me against the tree that was behind me " Ugh." I groaned " Hm you know your not so bad when you look closely." Colt said  "Gee thanks." I mumbled sarcastically " You guys can go!" He ordered his men, after they left Colt's eyes fell on me.

I told feel his breath on my neck " Lucy.." He mumbled as he closed his eyes and put his face in my neck, Colt pinned my hands on top of my head " Colt what are you doing?" I asked, I had known this man forever yet he keeps amazing me. 

" Oh uh nothing." Colt said quickly and let me go, I noticed him getting a little pink " Colt are you okay?" I asked " yeah, why wouldn't I be after all I am awesome." Colt said as he flexed his muscles, I just signed what am I going to do with him.....

" So where ya going?" Asked Colt, I looked at my phone it was 1:00 I probably should get back, I signed as I remembered that we have school tomorrow " I have to go back to my dorm." I said, Colt stayed quiet for a few minutes until he said.

" You really should come back everyone misses you, I miss you, you belong there Lucy not here." Colt said " Maybe I will come back I'm not sure but you know what I just found out?" I asked  "What." he asked.

I smiled then smirked I leaned towards Colt and whispered in his ear " That you care for me." I whispered into his ear then ran away " Lucy!, come back here!" he yelled as he chased after me, I laughed as I ran I could hear Colt chuckle behind me, we finally stopped at the edge of a cliff "It's so beautiful." I said as my eyes studied the view infront of me.

The cliff was filled with grass and flowers of every color, the sky was painted black, the wind was howling, everything was absolutely beautiful, "Yeah it is." Said Colt but it felt like he meant something else as he said that but I was too busy looking at the sky to notice.

Colt and I sat on the edge of the cliff, " What academy do you go to?" Asked Colt " Fairytail academy." I replied " oh, okay." Said Colt but I could see the devilish smirk forming on his face, I wonder what he's up too.

" I should get going it's 2:00 pm." I said, for a second I thought I saw Colt frown but when I looked again he still had his oh-so-famous-smirk, probably just my imagination " Okay see you soon." He said then he did something that made me widened my eyes in shock..















He kissed me!! 

(Just kidding but you guys though that didn't you ( \ ^ - ^ \) )

He hugged me! but before I could respond he pulled away " Bye!" He yelled as he ran away, I just chuckled and started walking  back to Fairytail academy , I wonder when I'm gonna see him again........but what I didn't know was that I was gonna see him again very soon.........

!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT PLEASE  READ!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys it's me Luna I just wanted to say that I'm not seeing that much votes and comments so I might not continue this story but if I get more votes and comments until next week I'll keep writing so please comment more and also vote ( \✨---✨\) bye for now!

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