Where is she?

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Colt's pov~ 

" Mm" I groaned, what am I doing sleeping on the floor. I looked around and saw all the boys sleeping, oh I remember we had a little party and after we were too tired so we fell asleep in the living room, I looked up at the clock and saw that it was 2:00 pm, damn we have been asleep for that long! I should probably wake them up.

" WAKE UP!!" I yelled, " Ahhhh!!!" They screamed and woke up "What happened!!" Yelled Gray I started to laugh " Hahahahahah!!!" " That was not funny!" Said Rogue angrily.

 " It was.......for me" I said and started to laugh harder, the boys looked like they were gonna explode " Okay okay clam down man I'm sorry, it was just funny." I said.

" Whatever, let's just go eat something, I'm starving." Said Jellal, Natsu's eyes lit up when Jellal said food and ran to the kitchen, we just shook our heads and followed him. 

There was 12 plates of bacon and eggs on the dinning table with a note.

" who made this?" Asked Midnight " Maybe the food dragon!" Said Natsu excitedly " Natsu there are NO food dragons, hell! There no such things as dragons!" Said Gray " Shut up! Ice princess!" Yelled Natsu " You shut up flame brain!!" Yelled Gray.

My eye twitched," You both shut up!!" I said and smacked their heads " owwww!!!" Screamed Natsu " What the hell was that for!!" Gray yelled, " For fun!" I said while smiling, behind me the rest of the boys laughed, Gray and Natsu huffed and turned away.

Laxus picked up the note and read it out loud....

To 11 idiots and Colt.

Dear 11 idiots and Colt, I cleaned the mess that YOU people made, I also made breakfast, and I wanted to say that I won't be back till night so don't " worry"

Anyway bye~~~😋

From Lucy~

We all stared at the note " Well, what are we waiting for, let's start eating!" Said Natsu, we all sat down and started to eat. The food tasted like heaven, It's been so long since I ate Lucy's cooking I really missed it, I bet the others do to.........

After we finished we went to the living room, " I wonder where Lucy went." Said Cobra " I don't know but did you guys notice that she has been avoided us?" Asked Sting " Yeah Bunny girl didn't came out of her room till today." Replied Gajeel.

I wonder what's wrong with Lucy she has been avoiding all the boys and she was gone in lunch-------------------Wait a minute! Could it be that time of the year! How could I be so stupid! She probably went outside so she wouldn't be near us!

But I can't tell them this, they don't know anything! I have got to do something before they get suspicious!! " maybe a Lucy was busy." I suggested " Busy doing what?" Asked Loki  " Uh Mm...Homework! Yeah maybe she was busy doing homework!" I replied quickly.

" Maybe, she did came at the end of the year so she's pretty left behind on her school work." Said Rogue, " Phew" I can't believe they bought that! Lucy better give me a kiss for this!

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