You just don't understand!!!

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Ugh I feel dizzy probably because I didn't eat anything," Can we go now?"I asked as I turned around to see them fighting behind me " Juvia thinks Lucy is a little  pale." Said Juvia " Yeah, you do look pale are you okay?" Asked Lisanna, I can't let them find out! " Yeah I'm fine." I said waving my arms around. 

They all looked at me like they didn't believe me " Don't lie to us Lucy, we're trying to help!." Said Cobra , anger started to bubble inside me how dare he! 

" Your trying to help me! Your trying to help me!! ever since I came to dorm-C you people treated me like trash I tried to be nice yet you kept treating me like trash so don't you dare pretend to care for me cause we both know you don't!" I screamed as I ran away.

I could hear the guys shouting my name behind me, not that I care I could feel tears starting to blur my vision but I refused to cry,I'm not weak!

I kept running not caring where I was headed when I stopped I looked around me I was in a forest, I took out my phone and texted Erza....


I'll came back after some time so don't wait for me.


Lucy!!!we were so worried! Where are you?! 


None of your business! I just texted you to let you know that you guys can leave I'll be back after some time."


Lucy I know it hurts but tell us, we are your friends.

I punched a tree that was near by, she doesn't understand! no one will ever understand!


Erza just leave me okay! I wanna be alone!


... Okay just be careful on your way back I heard that there is a gang roaming the streets at nights.


Okay, bye.



I walked further into the forest, I felt like eyes were watching me hm probably just my imagination,after half an hour I saw shadows coming from behind the trees my eyes widened from shock, I grinded my teeth no,not right now why did they have to come right now .............

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