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Hey people it's me Luna, I just wanna say that this is gonna be a short chapter, anyway hope you enjoy~ ✌️😋

Hey people it's me Luna, I just wanna say that this is gonna be a short chapter, anyway hope you enjoy~ ✌️😋

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Lucy's pov~~~

I walked into the cafeteria and everyone looked at me, I looked over to the table that my friends sat in and saw them looking mad, I looked over at the popular table where the 11 idiots sat and saw Colt sitting with them and they all looked furious.

 I walked over to the lunch line and bought my lunch which was Mac & Cheese with orange juice and an apple and went to sit with my friends.

"Lucy!! Where the hell were you!?" Yelled Erza, should I tell them that I busy making out with my teacher, yeah I don't think so, " I was....lost" Great excuse Lucy, way to go bravo bravo * notice the sarcasm* " Lost!? Lost!? Lucy we are so worried!!" Said Levy.

I can't believe they actually bought that excuse, now I feel bad, while I was making out with my teacher, they sat here being worried.

" I'm sorry guys." I said ashamed, " It's okay but please don't do that again." Said Lisanna  " I won't." I replied, We just started talking about random things until a very angry group of people came infornt of me.....yup it's was the 11 idiots and Colt, well here goes nothing.....

"Lucy!!?!" Screamed Colt " U-um y-y-yeah." I said nervously, Colt only calls me Lucy when something is going on and from what I have learned during the years I was with Colt is that to never make Colt angry or hell could break loose.....

" Where were you!?!? You told me you were gonna catch up! Yet you were gone for 30 minutes!!!!" Said Colt angrily, " I w-was u-um... I g-got lost.." I said, " Luce, don't do that we were worried..." Said Natsu sadly.

 I could feel myself get angry again I told them to stop pretending to care for me! But I controlled myself because everyone was looking at us and I didn't wanna cause a scene but I did glare at every single one of them.

It seemed that they understood what a I meant since they looked at me sadly I just looked away, suddenly my vision got blurry and I felt like someone lit a fire inside me but thankfully before anything happened the school bell rang and I got up, throwed my lunch, and walked away, I know it seems a little rude but I needed to get out of here!

Something was very wrong with me and I couldn't let someone find out! and I need to stay far away from all the boys or things could get out of hand...........

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