The beach!

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After we arrived at the beach we took the baskets out of the car that had food,blankets, and extra clothes, we laid the blankets on the grass and put the basket next to it.

 Just as I was gonna take my black jacket of I heard the voices I DIDN'T wanna hear too day I slowly turned around praying that I heard the voices wrong.

" Hey/Luce/Lucy/Bunny girl/Blondie." Yupppppp, there infront of me were the 11 idiots AGAIN " Why are you here!!!" I yelled. 

"Oh, we didn't know you were going to this beach, we just came for fun." Relied jellal innocently but I could see the others smirking, great just great just when I thought I was gonna have a peaceful day " sigh".

" Do whatever you want just stay out of my way." I said as I glared at them " Sureeee Blondie" Relied Zeref, my left eyebrow twitched " I have a name and its Lucy!" I said " Sure Blondie." Sting said while smirking I puffed out my cheeks and walked away but I could still hear them laughing behind me.

I walked over to my friends, " Everything all right Lucy?" Asked Erza " Yeah everything's fine it's just that my roommates came to ruin my day!" I said as I took of my jacket.

" Let's just ignore them and enjoy ourselves." Said Levy " Yeah your right, let's go swimming!" I said, I took of my white shirt and shorts to reveal my bikini and tied my hair into two ponytails with black ribbons.

" Said Levy " Yeah your right, let's go swimming!" I said, I took of my white shirt and shorts to reveal my bikini and tied my hair into two ponytails with black ribbons

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Imagine that's Lucy but with brown eyes 

 I could hear all the boys on the beach giving me wolf whistles and in a corner I could see the 11 idiots turning red.

,The 11 Idiots Pov~~~~~~~~

Lucy took of her clothes relieving her bikini " Damn~, she looks hot~~~~" we all thought, I could feel myself turning red, why am I blushing I never blush what's wrong with me, could it be I actually like Lucy/Luce/Bunny girl/Blondie/Princess!, sure she's nice, kind, and cooks for us not to mention she's hot and has a rocking body but I can't be falling in love with her can I........we all thought.

Lucy's Pov 

I looked over at the boys to see them blushing and looking deep in thought, mm whatever I just hope the rest of my day goes well " Come on Lucy, let's go swimming!" My friends shouted "Coming!" I yelled and ran to them, maybe my day will go well.

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