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Barry zoomed past the group of women talking and ran fast towards S.T.A.R Labs. He didn stop until he reached the labs. He came to a stop in the Cotex wheere he found Cisco Roman and Dr Caitlin Snow busy working. 

"I got your here as fast as I could. You know how hard it is to run across town without spilling coffee. I managed to break my record," announced Barry. He handed out the coffee and sat down next to Caitlin. 

"We do appreciate you for that," smiled Cisco. 

"Hey where's Iris? Her coffee is going to get cold."

"She is with H.R. They went to the cell to check if all is good," answered Cisco.

"Joe is with them as well," added Caitlin quickly seeing the concern in his face. 

Barry relaxed and drank his coffee. He watched the monitors for any unusual activites that would require the Flash. After a few minutes Joe came in and he was in a rush.

"Barry we gotta go. Just got a call in. There has been a shooting and robbery. And get this the pup is still there and he is claming that he doesn't know what happened."

Barry and Joe left the Labs and arrived at the crime scene.  


"Lookig at everything here, it all points to the guy sitting outside. He is holding the murder weapon, his footprints near the body and I have gathered the finger prints and will match it to highly likely him," said Barry. 

He looked at the guy sitting handcuffed in the police car. He didn't look like a killer and but they didnt find the money in his possession. Does that mean that he had a partner or was he telling the truth and he didn't remember what actually happened?

"It's becoming  a habit now as much as I hate it but do you think it has anything to do with... You know metahuman?" Whispered Joe. 

"I really hope it did because I don't know why but I have a feeling that he is innocent. But then again It's been a while since we have had a simple criminal and case," smiled Barry. 

"Come on Barry, it's Central City. Normal is long gone. We only have the uniquely challenged cases." 


Barry came to the his labs and found Juilian already there. He was working on his own case and he looked up when he saw Barry arrive. 

"Hey, so I know Caitlin's situation and have experienced it first hand."

"Juilian, what are you going on about?"

"She is incredible and she can do so much wiht her, you know abilities."

"Ok, I know we brought you in the team as we believe that you can help her with her powers but we all agreed that her powers is something off the table. She is scared of it and with always coming so close to completely losing it she and we all agree to try and get ride of it."

"I know but what if we can manage to control it. I have been examining her blood samples and observing her transform into Killer Frost and back to Caitlin. I maybe..." 

Barry liked Juilian and he appreciated him trying to help Caitlin but he didn't like the idea of him not getting a hint. Caitlin and he himself didn't like the idea of testing her abilities and risking her being taken over by Killer Frost fully. 

"Juilian, we can later talk about it but at this time, try and find way to get ride of the powers and help her surpress it rather than control it and use it," said Barry. "And we have a case. We are hoping that it had nothing to do with metahumans but it won't hurt to check," he added. 

Barry noticed that Juilian wasn't really ready to drop the whole Caitlin case but he put it aside and started working on identifying the finger prints. Barry didn't get what Caitlin liked about Juilian when she asked him to join Team Flash. He was stubborn and at times didn't know when to say what. But he was great at what he did and if that saved Caitlin from her than he was happy to have him arround. In saying that, he still had a part of him that didn't fully and truly trusted him. 

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