Sixty Three

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Hey, just a quick reminder... Please vote and comment on the chapter as I love hearing your thoughts on the chapter. Please give me feed backs as to how I can make it better or what I'm doing ok. Thanks and enjoy. 


Caitlin watched Barry as be stood there frozen. Finally he let it sink in the fact that Cailtin or Killer Frost both were alive and standing in front of him. Without another word he stepped forward and gave Caitlin a hug. He held her tightly in his arms and let the moment sink it. At that moment nothing mattered to either one. Both didn't care that they were stuck in the speed force or the fact that Jay was after them. The moment felt right and for both of them, their surroundings started to melt away. Finally breaking apart, Cailtin smiled at Barry and he knew that she was hiding her tears. 

"I don't know if that was the dumbest or bravest thing you think you did? How did you think this was all gong to turn up?" 

"I... Nothing mattered to me the moment I saw you in that bed... Lifeless. Cailtin, how was I supposed to keep going when the most important person in my life was no longer with me. She wasn't by my side." 

"By thinking that you let Savitar win in the end."

"Losing you in that battle... I had already lost. Even though Savitar was destroyed, he still won. He made me loose the thing that made me the hero. Without you by my side, I was lost and that is when Savitar was going to be born. He got what he wanted."

"So your solution was to let yourself come in here and what hope that Savitar never happened?"

"I... I wanted to keep my promise to you and make sure that the people that  we loved and cared for were safe," said Barry looking away. 

"Pathetic excuse for your actions. A coward I would say," came the familiar cold voice of Killer Frost. 

Barry turned around and found her standing  there. She had once again taken over Caitlin.

"You that leaving everything behind you showed bravery. Well no, you just proved my point that you are the same coward that can't live with the consequences of his actions. He can't really take on the responsibility of what he had done. Just like you can't admit that your stupidity of creating  the flash point is the reason for all this mess. Cailtin is gone and I was created because of what you couldn't deal with the fact that no good scenario was coming out of you saving your parents."

Barry didn't say anything. He didn't know how to respond to this. Deep down he knew that she was right. As much as it hurt him to admit it, he had become selfish of the idea of having his parents around that he hadn't thougt of the consequences even when he was warned.

"Flash, we all know that losing the people you love  isnt easy and that we would do anything to bring them back. But that isn't up to us. We are not God and we can't make those decisions. What we can do is move forward and make the coming time better and try to save those that we can. You have amazing abilities that you can't keep in here while the outside world needs its hero," said Killer Frost. 

"It's not that simple. You are right. This all happened only because of my stubbornness on saving  my  mother that night." 

"And yet rather than making that wrong to right, you chose to make it even worse. Barry... Like I said... This world needs the Flash...  Not Killer Frost. And I stand by it. I do what I want and I don't know where I will end up. But this city is always going to need the Flash."

"You are leaving... Caitlin you belong At STAR Labs and you are part of the team. We aren't team Flash without you," said Barry as he grabbed her hands and gently pressed them. 

"That's what I'm saying... Team Flash isn't anything without Flash... We are going to get you out of this place."

"Yeah, I would love to but how do you think we will go that. Speed force is like a prison for speedster and going out won't be easy. We don't have the philosophers stone either." 

"I don't know, it is all on Cisco and Tracy now. They have to figure out a way soon... Because I don't think I can last in the speed force too long," said Killer Frost as she stumbled back. 

Barry quickly supported her and watched her with concern. "This place is getting to you."

"The speed force is sucking  the life out of her. She isn't a speedster and it is taking away her energy. Soon she will be dead and you... Still stuck here," laughed Jay. 

Barry and Killer Frost looked at each other, they both knew they had to work fast and figure out a way out of this place. 


Outside... Cisco and Tracy worked together hard to figure out a way to get the bazoka to work and open the portal. There had to be a way to get them out. They were running out of time and they didn't even know how long Cailtin would be able yo survive in there. 

"The circuits are fried and the thing used up all the power that it could progress. It would be able to project any power to even open the portal to speed force for a second," informed Cisco. 

"We are literally running out time here. We don't even have the philosophers stone to use it. I... I don't see anyway out of this. Maybe we didn't really think this plan through when we listened to Killer Frost and let her go into the speed force," said Julian. 

"Julian, not helping right now... Even if you are right about it," snapped Cisco. 

"Guys, we can't start losing our heads. We have amazing minds in this room. I know and believe in us all to figure this all out," said HR. 

"What about Cisco... Can't be open the portal?" Said Iris. 

"No, I'm not that advanced in my powers to even do that. Besides its now of a speedster thing." 

Tracey looked from Cisco to the bazoka.... Something  was going through her mind and Joe could see it too. He understood that expression on her face which was telling him that a plan was going through her mind.  But what was it and was it going to work? 

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