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Hello my SnowBarry fans... Sorry it took this long to actually update this. I wa really busy with my sisters wedding and didn't get an opportunity to write. Hope this is worth the wait as this story is coming to an end. I promise to update more often from now on. Thanks and enjoy 


Tracy sat next to Cailtin who didn't seem to have any changes to her health. She was starting to feel helpless as all hope of her waking seem to start to disappear. And  with Barry leaving into the sped force... 

"How are you holding up?"asked HR handing Tracy coffee. He understood how she felt as a lot of times that where he was. 

"I can't wait around to see someone die. We don't know what is wrong with her so we can't treat her... We can't take her to the hospital as she is a metahuman that all are looking for," blurted out Tracy.

"I know it's hard but we can't lose hope. I just heard from Cisco... Barry has made his mind up. He is going into the speed force. He believes that is the only way to keep everyone safe."

"What do you think?"

"I think it's easy to make a decision when you don't have to carry it out. Barry is making a scarifice that isn't easy to do. This city always needs a hero and we are losing one of the best." 


"Are you sure about this? There must be another way to stop this all," begged Iris. 

"I really wish there was. There is so much that I wished I could have done for this city and the people that I love. But sometimes you can't get what you want as that is part of life. I really wish and I believe that one day Cailtin will wake up and I just hope that you will keep that faith." 

"Barry, I wil, do anything for you and your love." 

Barry gave Iris a hug followed by Cisco. As hard as it was to say goodbye, he knew this he had no choice. He had to take this step no matter how hard it was for him. This was for the good of all not just him. He started to walk towards the speed force where he could now see jay once again waiting for him. This was all his fault and he had to pay the price. Savitar was his problem. 

Iris started to cry as Barry stopped at the edge and turned to face Cisco and Iris. His eyes were searching for something of someone and Iris knew who. He hoped that Cailtin would have been there but disappointed be turned and kept walking. 


Suddenly something started happening around HR and Tracy. The room started to get cold and the lights started to flicker. The monitors started to beep and as if someone with the Montoya in them was running on the treadmill. The heart rate rocketed high. They don't turn to Caitlin who was shaking and seemed like she was having a nightmare or was fighting an invisible monster. 

"What is happening?" Asked Tracy concerned. 

"Honestly, I don't know. She was fine a minute ago and now her vitals are all over the place. I can't explain what is going on here."

"Is she having an episode or something?"

HR shook his head. He had no idea what was happening as he had no  medical training whatsoever. 

Then without any warning, Caitlin's eyes opened wide and as much as he could see, HR saw her eyes were crystal white and... Cold. Thi wasn't Caitlin laying in bed... It was Killer Frost. HR pulled Tracy back from the bed but it was too late.

Killer Frost hand slipped and a wave of cold blast spread in the room and Tracy and HR ran to find cover. They hide behind the desk in the hopes of staying out of her way. They stayed as quiet as possible. From the corner of her eyes, Tracy noticed a shadow. Someone standing right next to the desk they were hiding under. 


Killer Frost opened her eyes and looked around at the room. Slowly she turned and sat up on the bed. For a moment she was confused as to what had happened annd then all rushed back to her. She remembered how she stood next to the Flash and how she watched Savitar go down. Something however wasn't right and she knew what she had to do. 

She stepped out of bed and as she walked towards the two under the desk, she thought back to all the conversation that took place in the room while they all thought that she couldn't hear them. Aww she heard them all right. 

Slowly Killer Frost bent down and she saw terrified faces of HR and Tracy. Both of them shivered and tried to back down but there was no where to go. 

"Let's bring him back," said Killer Frost not in her usual cold voice.


Killer Frost extended her hand for Tracy who hesitated but took it and stood up. She wasn't sure if she trusted Killer Frost. 

"We all know that this City is going to hell if it loses its saviour. We can't let Barry sacrifice himself and go into that speed force. He thinks that he wil save the city but rather he will Leave it  open to anyone to come and Hurt the people that he wanted to protect." 

"Yeah well we tried to explain that to him but he gave up all that the moment he thought he lost Caitlin," blurted out HR.

At this Killer Frost looked at him and a small smile spread across her face.

"Well, it's time to bring him home. She may be lost but we are t going to lose someone else too." 

"Love the whole sprit  and I'm in  but there is one little problem... How do you plan to get in the speed force. Especially since we don't know how to create it or how to get in?" Tracy pointed out. 

"Looks like you have your job set out for you. You are going to create a way in which I can enter the speed force." 

Killer Frost turned away from them closing her eyes. When she opened them again, it was Caitlin who stood there. 

"I'm not losing  another person that I love. This city needs the Flash and I need Barry." 

The three of them stood there. All had one thing on there mind. No matter what happened or what they had to do. Barry was coming home. They were not going to lose him especially to the speed force. Savitar was the one who created pain and chaos...why should Barry have to pay the price. Caitlin/Killer Frost had set her mind up.

 She wasn't going to be remembered as a monster like predicted. She was going to let Caitlin live on and at least give her a chance. Even if she didn't know how. 

SnowBarry Memory UnlockedWhere stories live. Discover now