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"So I have managed to test the finger prints that we found at the crime scene and as we suspected, the get belong to our guest that we arrested," said Barry with a sigh. 

"His name is Ben Fields, he is an accountant and worked down the street from where the robbery occurred. He doesn't have a prior record, not even a parking ticket. He had lived in Central City for over 10 years," informed Joe. 

"That doesn't make any sense. What made him do that. That is so out of character for him?" Asked Iris. 

"Well he does keep repeating that he doesn't remember what happened. He doesn't remember anything for the past couple of days," added Barry. 

Just then Barry's phone ran and looking at the ID it read Caitlin. Without picking up he zoomed out and arrived at S.T.A.R Labs. 

"Ok, so I know you were hoping for this being a non metahuman thing but we couldn't help but do some digging around," said Cisco. 

"What did you find?"

"We found many cases around not only Central City where robbery has taken place. This is the first time where s guy has been caught that may be out victim, they all say the same thing, they don't remember," intervened Caitlin. 

"So you are saying that there is someone out there who is stealing stuff from innocent people. But what makes you think it's a metahuman. Maybe they are using some kind of drug to make their victims unconscious." 

"Yeah that's what we are looking into. Trying to find a connection."

"Keep looking, I will go and check what we can come up with at the station." 


Something didn't make sense. As much as Barry wished this to be a open and shut case the more it bothered him. He had the chance to meet and come across a lot of bad guys and looking at Ben, he didn't see it. What if Joe was right and metahumans were involved. But then again looking at all the evidence. It all pointed to him.

"What's going through the mind of yours?" Asked Joe. Barry hadnt realised that Joe was there.

"Nothing, it all doesn't make any sense. Can something be that simple, especially in Central City?" 

"I hate to admit it but sometimes what something seems can be exactly what they are. This was a simple case and thinking or overthinking it may just complicate it all. Besides don't you have other things to worry about?" 

"Yeah, still have to change the timeline and find a way to save Iris. I haven't forgotten about that. She is still the priority of mine." It suddenly felt like he had so much on his plate. There was still the issue of saving Iris from getting killed, Caitlin losing her mind and soul to Killer Frost and  Julian who Barry didn't trust fully as something about him was odd. And now this case. Why was he not convinced that Ben had committed the crime. 


"Hi Caitlin, just the one I wanted to talk to," called Juilian. He entered the Cotex and found Caitlin working on something. 

"Yeah, I'm exactly where I say I will be. Since I work here," joked Caitlin. "What's up?"

"I have been working on something and I needed your thoughts on it. I know Cisco and I have created that necklace that helps keep your powers in check and recharges solar powerly."

"Yeah and so..."

"I know you don't want to use it because you are scared that you will loose control and hurt people. But what if we can find a way to control it. That way you can use your incredible abilities to help Barry."

Caitlin was taken aback by this. She had never thought about it as she always was scared of what she would become. Especially when she had seen what it could do. Even in the future where Iris is killed, Killer Frost is at large. She doesn't want that to be where she ends up. 

"Juilian, thanks for thinking that I can be a help out there on the field but you have no idea what I can do and when she is in control, I can't help it. Don't ever think that she can be a help. She will betray all and I don't want to be that person that hurts Barry, I want this powers gone and that is still what I want. So please never again bring up this." 

Juilian didn't know what to say as he realised that he had upset Caitlin. With a weak smile he asked if he could help her with something. They worked in silence. 

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