Fifty Six

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Barry couldn't make sense of what was happening anymore. He didn't know who or what was meant to happen tonight but he knew that he had to save both Iris and Caitlin. He looked up and saw Savitar still holding onto Killer Frost. She was struggling but she made sure that Savitar didn't have anyway to get to Iris. She was risking her life to make sure that Iris was safe. 

Killer Frost struggled as Savitar's grip on her neck was starting to block her airways. It was getting harder and harder for her to breath. She moved her eyes down as she heard Iris, who had started to wake up. 

"I...Iris...," she managed to choke out. 

Iris watched in horror at the scene occurring right next to her. She watched as tears fell down Killer Frost's eyes as they started to roll back. She was struggling more and more to keep her eyes open and Iris knew that it wouldn't be long before she would loose consciousness. Quickly getting up, Iris ran from there as soon as possible. She only stopped when she was behind Joe. 

"We have to do something... Savitar is killing her and she doesn't seem to have much energy left in her to keep fighting back," cried Iris. 

"I honestly don't know what else we can do. We have tried everything we could and Killer Frost was our only possible hope," replied Joe. 

Vibe stepped forward next to Flash as they both watched on hopelessly. 

"Can't you do anything?" asked Flash. 

"No, if I miss, I can hit Caitlin. I need just enough space between them to slow Savitar down enough for you to take him down," answered Cisco. 

Standing there, Barry felt helpless. He started to run towards them but Savitar was faster. He had zoomed away faster than Flash could even get to him. Killer Frost was shaking in his arms and for a second, Barry thought she had passed out. But then she grabbed Savitar's metal suit arm and started to try and pull it away from her neck. 

"You can try but you won't succeed. You had a choice. You could have ruled like a God by my side  yet you chose them," mocked Savitar. 

"That's... the diff... difference between... you and me... you think you can rule the world... alone... and I... will always choose my friends..." chocked Killer Frost. 

She let out a short breath and smoke came out...She closed her eyes and when she opened them, there was determination in it. She let go of his hands and with smoke now coming out of her hands, she pushed it towards his chest. Barry could hear the creaking of the ice as it started to form around where Killer Frost had hit him. 

Then she grabbed his hands again and same thing happened. Unable to hold her, Savitar let go and Killer Frost was about to hit the ground when in a flash of Yellow (I keep forgetting his colour when he runs) he grabbed her and ran to safety. 

Killer Frost opened her eyes and saw that she was save and in the arms of Flash. She gave him a weak smile as he gently placed her down. Flash couldn't take his eyes of her as he felt like he had disappointed her in a way. 

"I'm sorry for all this. I was the reason why you even got your abilities and I was so focused on saving Iris and changing her future that I didn't even stop to think of you. But it took me so long to realise that you are the one that i live for. I love you and I didn't even see how you truly felt for me. I'm truly sorry and I hope that Caitlin that is still inside you can hear and understand me," said Barry. 

For a split second, Barry thought he saw the glimpse of Caitlin but that was gone just as fast. Killer Frost stood in front of him with a wicked smile. 

"I may be standing here fighting by your side. I may have referred to you as my friend. I don't truly understand why this all I have done, but I do know that it is going to be a whole lot longer to truly believe in anything that you say to me. Caitlin has struggled a lot and she was too weak, but I'm here now to make sure no one take advantage of her," she replied. 

Barry gave a small smile ,"You may not realise this and you may fight this feeling, but I know that you helping us means that Caitlin is still inside you and you still feel that same thing she does. She wouldn't let anything happen to the people that she loved and she was never weak."

Before she could respond, they heard a loud yell and saw Savitar move towards Vibe who kept fighting. It was hard for him to keep up. 

"He can't go invisible," yelled HR. 


"He went invisible for a second but cant anymore. That maybe your only positive," yelled HR. 

"We may have a chance to beat him," called out Iris. 

"Let's do this," added Killer Frost.

They both ran down to Vibe and the three of them got ready to attack. Once she had located Savitar's location, she aimed and with a blast of cold ice, she hit Savitar who slide and fell back. As he tried to get up, Vibe used his vibrational blast and knocked him down again. Taking advantage of this, Flash ran at top speed and punched him. Savitar recovering from this attack, fought back. 

From the distance, Joe, Iris, HR, Tracy and Julian watched. They saw the flashes of yellow and blue while they saw at times Vibe and Killer Frost attacking as well. 

"We have to bring a stop to all this and fast," said Killer Frost. "Flash, looks like is getting tired and Savitar isn't showing any weakness."

"There must be a way to end this, we just need to make sure that Flash is in it till we find out a way," pointed out Vibe. 

Killer Frost watched Savitar and Flash battle it out and then it came to her. 

She realised that she may have an answer to this all. She may have figured out way to stop Savitar. But then something else came into realisation to her. Maybe the way to stop Savitar could result in her life as well. Was she willing to risk her own life to save Flash and all... 

"She was willing to do anything as long as that meant that Barry would be safe," thought Caitlin. 

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