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Morning came and Iris woke up alone in her bed. She looked around and a sinking feeling hit her. She once had already embraced the possibility of being killed and she knew that all were trying but she also knew that Savitar had always been ahead always. There was a small possibility that he already knew what they had planned and he would be on top of it. She got out and took in her room. After Barry and her had broken up, she had moved back in with Joe ans back in the room that she had grown up in. 

She hated that she was no longer with Barry but she also could see that there was someone else in Barry's life that he cared about. She still loved him and he loved her but not in the same way as before. At that point she missed Eddie so much. 

There was a knock on the door and Iris quickly wiped the tears that has escaped her eyes. She didn't know why this was but she tried to clear her mind up from all the negative thoughts about this plan. Team Flash had made all possible arrangements to save her and keep her away from Savitar. 

"Honey, are you ok. I know this waiting isn't the best way to spend your time especially when you want to go an help them. But here you are the safest," said Joe as he came into the room.

"I know but I feel useless. We decided to do this and not tell Barry just as a procaution because we believe that Savitar is future Barry but is it the right thing to do?"

"Im willing to do anything if that means that you are save." 

"But that proves that we don't have faith in Barry and the whole team."

"I have all the faith in the world in them but I also have you. I have to put you first and if that means lying to them and making sure that is how you are safe than I will do this all over again." 

"When is Wally getting here to take me?" 

"Soon, I'm also doing this to keep him safe. We all know how things can end up for him also," Joe shared his concerns. 

"Dad, we all will be just fine. We have Tracey and we have a plan that will work. It has to work," whispered Iris. 


Killer Frost stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection. She placed her hands on the spot where she was shot. She knew that there was no scar there and that she was now stronger than Caitlin Snow. She no longer recognise herself. Deep down, Killer Frost had a feeling like she was making a mistake. Felt like something was wrong and she was forgetting something. 

"Are you ready," came the voice of Savitar. 

Killer Frost looked away. She couldn't let him see her weak and doubting herself. He was the only one who had been truthful to her and accepted her as she was. 

"Yeah, I still don't really know how this will work but I have faith in you." 

"You know what you have to do. I know that this is a last minute change but Joe will do anything to save his precious daughter and I know that she will do anything for her dad. You have to keep an eye on them and I will take care of Cisco and Tracy," added Savitar. 

Knowing that this was happening, Killer Frost felt something raise inside her. Did she care what happened to them?

"The woman Barry loves has to die. The Flash has to order for me to raise." 


Barry paced the cotex and he kept running through the plan. He wanted to protect Caitlin, save Iris and get rid of Savitar for good. But they all involved using the Bazoca which was untested and they didn't know what would happen to Caitlin if she was around or got hit by it. Saving one may result in losing another and he couldn't bare to even think of it. 

                                               //        Flash back       //

"Barry, this city needs the hero that you are and have been. Making a choice isn't easy and even the thought of losing the person that you care about isn't an easy task. I have made far worse decisions in this life and I have had many doubts. Being a hero isn't the easiest tasks but this world needs people like us who are willing to make the hard choices. No one can tell you how to do this or what to do. You were chosen for a reason and you have risen to the challenge... Proved your self many this also. Caitlin and Iris both mean so much to you and it isn't easy but I...we all believe in you that you are strong enough to save both. Don't have any doubts in your mind and be the Hero that you have been chosen to be," said Oliver. 

                                                   //          Present      //

Barry looked at his suit and he knew Oliver was right. He had to save both and he could save both. The only way to stop Savitar was to not doubt himself and take any action necessary to stop him. When he had put in that suit he had made that promise and he was going to keep it. He was willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect them all. 

"Barry, Iris is not answering her phone but Joe said that he has made arrangements to keep her safe. We have to focus on keeping Savitar distracted enough to make sure future doesn't happen," said Cisco. 

"It's better that way. I shouldn't know where Iris is so that Savitar doesn't know. Just keep me updated that she is safe." 


The minutes ticked away and all three.... Barry..... Caitlin...... Iris watched the time pass. They all has great load in their shoulders as this was what they all had been dreading. They had come to a point in which they couldn't walk away but had to do what needed done. They stood at a point of crossroads where they all had something to lose. No one could blame anyone else anymore as they all were responsible for what they had to do next. This wasn't just something that Barry or Iris or Caitlin had to live with. This was something that everyone...arrow and team..... Supergirl and team and even Sara and team had to deal with the consequences. This is the moment that they all had to raise to the moment and do what needed done. 

But question remained... Who will fall and who would be the last man standing...The Flash or Savitar.... 

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