Final Chapter

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Barry didn't want to let go of Cailtin in that moment and she didn't want it to finish either. They both didn't care that they were stuck in place where they were running out of time ironically. 

"Barry there aren't any words yet alone enough words to describe how I feel about you. It pains me to stay away from you and when she hurt you the way she did, I couldn't stand it. I... Love you and I didn't know that I could love someone that much. I love you and I have always loved you... Even when you were happy with Iris." 

At this Barry once again pulled who close and gave her a sweet kiss.

"You have no idea how much I wanted you to know how much I love you. I was scared that I had lost you before I even had a chance to tell you. I couldn't live with myself if that happened," said Barry pulling away.

"I... Heard and remember everything that you said to me when I was in a comma. Hearing your voice and hearing about your true feelings was what helped fight and pull through. Killer Frost being the stronger one is the reason why she came here to save you." 


Cisco frantically checked of all was ready for Gypsy. They were waiting for her arrival now and hoping that this plan worked as they didn't have any other option. Cisco had managed to make changes and modified the bazoka, which now could absorb vibing abilities and be used to open the portal to the speed force....well at least that's what he wished would happen. They had set everything outside just in case something exploded in the worse case scenario.

"Someone called for a Collector," came the familiar voice of Gypsy. 

Cisco turned around and found her standing behind the HR. She smiled at Cisco and made her way towards him. 

"Hey, we have a lot to talk about and I know but we really need to hurry if we want to be able to save Barry and Caitlin," explained Iris. 

"We don't have much time, but Barry is stuck in the speed force and Caitlin who woke up went into it to save him. Now they are both stuck in there and we really need to get them out. The bazoka broke when we opened the portal first time around. But I think we may have a way to get them out but we need someone who can open portals... "

"Someone like me because I can open portals to different earths as  time. I get it but one problem... I can't do it to open the speed force." 

"That's why I have modified the bazoka which will amplify your normal portal opening skills. Well that's what we are hoping. I have also prepared this projection, which will trick the speed force into believing  that Barry is still in there... Again hoping."

"Ok so is there anything  that you know for sure will work?" 

"Nope," said Tracy, Cisco and HR all together. 

Gypsy rolled her eyes but still hoped this this would work. "Ok, so here goes nothing. Wait how will this work?"

"Well Felicity is online here. She will guide Iris through and Tracy through the  system in which when you open the portal will start to scan the speed force zone. It will get a location on the Savitar suit which will sound an alarm for Cailtin to hear and come find it. All we have to try and locate is the Savitar suit," explained Cisco. 

Taking in a deep breath, Gypsy closed her eyes and prepared herself for the task ahead. It wasn't going to be easy but they had to try. In the silence, she heard Felecity's voice as she gave a heads up that she was ready.

With all her concentration, Gypsy opened her eyes at the exact moment Cisco turned on the bazoka . There was blast of blue and white flashs  like lightening before a portal opened like a window. 

"Tracking started and Ok found it. Turning it on now. Cailtin has only a few minutes before she has to find it and get through it. Gypsy, change you location to the signal coming through at this location," instructed Felecity. 

Following her orders, Gypsy did as she was told and sure enough they could see had located the Savitar suit. Now they had to wAit for Caitlin and Barry... 


"They found a way to open the portal for us to get out," laughed Cailtin. 

"Wait that sound a signal or something." 

"Yeah, it's coming from the Savitar suit which I brought into the speed force. We need to get to asap. I don't know how much time they or we have for that matter."

Caitlin didn't have to say anything further. Barry lifted her up in his arms and raced towards the blaring siren like alarm. Once arriving near the suit, they saw the portal. Barry was about to step forward when he notice Caitlin being silent. Looking down he saw the colour draining from her face as she was passing out. He heard footsteps and not waiting to find out Barry stepped towards the portal. First pushing the Savitar suit and then stepping out himself with Caitlin in his arms. 


As soon as they stepped out, Cisco threw something into it before the portal closed and both Barry/Caitlin and Gypsy came to their knees, weak. 

"Are you ok?" Asked Cisco to Gypsy who in response smiled and nodded. 

"We made it, you got me out," smiled Barry as he kissed Cailtin. 

Slowly breaking apart, Cailtin smiled at Barry as they got to their feet. Looking around, they saw the relief on everyone's faces. It had worked, they had managed to trick the speed force into believing that Barry was inside still and they had to managed to get him out. 

"Barry, do anything like that again. Don't for a second abandon the promise that you made me. This city and people that love you are always by your side no matter what. We can always deal with what anything throws at us... Together," said Cailtin. 

"I'm glad that all are well... Had me worried there for a second. Caitlin is right though. We are a team and there is no I in team. We all work together to solve problems, no matter how big or small it may be," said Joe. 

"We all started something the first moment Barry you woke up and realised you had this amazing abilities. We stood by your side through so many things and it kind of hurt us when you decided to take on this decision without evening asking us how we felt," added Cisco. 

"But now we all are here we will stand by you always... Team Flash," cheered Iris. 

Barry smiled at them and turned to Cailtin, "I love you and I'm nothing without you all... Especially you Caitlin. It took me a while to figure it out but..." 

"I love you too Barry Allen... No matter what," smiled Caitlin.

She pulled Barry closer and wrapped her arms around him. Lifting her head slightly, Barry kissed her and she kissed him back...

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