Thirty Seven

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They all stood there watching as Barry blamed himself for all that had gone wrong. Joe arrested John and Jules who still were unsure of what just happened. They kept asking who the guy in the suit was and who was Killer Frost. Joe ignored them and took them away. Iris wanted to go to Barry and talk to him but she also knew that at this point she wasn't going to make it better but would make it worse. She left the room as she knew what he needed. 


Savitar put Killer Frost down and she looked around. She now stood in an abandoned warehouse. By the looks of it, the place must have been abandoned for a while because all was a huge mess. Boxes and old machinery were everywhere. She looked to Savitar waiting for him to say something. He didn't but stood there. 

"Ok so I ignored them all and fought every bone in my body, followed you here because you said you would answer my questions. So tell me, why should I trust you? Why should I trust a guy in a mask?" Asked Killer Frost. 

"Like I said, we are meant to be God among humans," replied Savitar. 

"That's not answering my question. I don't care what we are. I want to know why I should trust you and do what you want. You said that you are the future. What have I become?" 

Silence fell for a while before finally Savitar moved. He knelt down and mechanically the suit started to open and Killer Frost could see someone inside kneeling. He slowly stood up and stepped out of the suit. Killer Frost stood there with conflicting emotions. She was shocked, happy, unsure and many questions arises in her mind. The person revealing to be Barry... Or The Flash. 

However, there was something different about him. On one side of his face, there was a huge scare. It looked like his skin had brunt away. She slowly took steps moving towards him. At first he stepped away but stopped when Killer Frost continued to walk forward toward him. She placed a hand on his scared face and smiled back at him.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked. 


Barry ran around the city trying to clear his mind but in vain. He kept thinking of the look on Caitlin's face as... The anger she had in her eyes... Her choosing to go with Savitar because she knew that he couldn't help her. This all always ended with him disappointing everyone or losing. He was always behind. Then suddenly a voice interprutted his thoughts. 

"Meet me at STAR Labs... Now," said the voice. 

Changing course he made his way back to the Labs. He came into the Cotex and looked around. There stood HR and Iris with someone else. He turned around and revealed to be non other than Oliver Queen.

"Looks like we need to have a chat again," he said in a calm voice. 

Barry and Oliver left the Cotex and went up to the roof of the Labs. 

"Iris called me and filled me as much as she could. I know what happened and I came here as soon as I could. I'm not as fast as you but I managed," said Oliver. 

"This is all my fault. I should have been able to something. Caitlin is gone and she is now willing to work with Savitar over us. She believed that he would help her more than we could. And I'm starting to believe that to be true," vented Barry. He was pacing without realising it. 

"Do you really believe that the Caitlin that you know and trust would above Ever one anything like that. She always had faith in you and knew that you could be the hero that this city needed. This isn't an easy job and accepting  you can't always save everyone will only make you work harder, not give up," said Oliver.

"But don't understand that look she had in her eyes. She truely believed that I was the enemy. I couldn't do anything for her. She became the one thing she didn't want to be. I let her down. And Savitar warned me... One will betray me," said Barry. 

"And you truly believe that that person is Cailtin. The one person who stood by you from the start. The one person who truly and entirely believed that you were the only person that could keep Killelr Frost away? How can you doubht her?" 

"I don't, in fact I know that deep down inside that cold exterior, there still beats the heart of the sweet and warm Caitlin Snow," said Barry. 

"Then keep that in mind and fight back. You know how much set back I have had? How many times I wanted to give in and stop doing what I do? Stop protecting the city that I love and have promised to protect? But Felecity, Thea, Diggle, Cailtin, Joe and you hack the whole lot of us makes me want to be the better person and keep fighting. You can't give in. I know it's hard but I know that you will find a way to defeat Savitar," said Oliver. "And someone left something for you  with Felecity. She knew that one day you would need this. Read it," said Oliver as he handed him an envelope. 

Barry looked at it and examined. There wasn't anything written on the outside. "Who is this from?" He asked. 

"You'll know when you read the indside. I have to go for now as I have some problems of my own. But I'll be in touch and give me a call if you need any help. We are a team  and we always watch each other's back." 

Barry extended his hand and waited for Oliver to shake it. He did. Talking to Oliver made Barry feel calm and gave him the confidence that he could do this. Oliver always knew what to say and he knew him so well. With that Oliver walked away into the dark.

Barry once again looked at the blank envelope. Who would leave him a note?  And with Felecity? Only one way to find out? 

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