Forty Six

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Nervously Iris came into STAR Labs the next day. She looked around and found Julian, Cisco, Tracey and HR already working on their theory of Tracey finding a way to stop Savitar. Looking around she couldn't find Barry so she went to the pipeline. She has s feeling that that is where she was going to find him.

Sure enough he was sitting there deep in thought. He slowly looked up when he heard her approaching.

"I know that this all isn't easy with all, especially Caitlin. I also know that your all are putting in all your best to save me but Barry in a weird way, I have accepted the fact that maybe I wasn't meant to survive this."

"I'm not losing anyone else. We will find a way to survive this all and I will get Caitlin back. She is stronger than this an I don't think a little bump in the road will change her," answered Barry.

Barry didn't have to say anything but all was evident on his face. He was worried about Caitlin and no matter what anyone said, he blamed himself for her becoming Killer Frost. It wasn't just the normal concern, there was something else. That fear in his eyes that she had seen before. The same fear that he had for once when he was faced with the possibility of losing her.... That same fear was for something else... Someone else.


"I think I know what I'm supposed to build and the reason why I have a target on my back?" Finally spoke Tracy.

Everyone turned to her and waited patiently.

"From what all that you all have been telling me and the fact that if it is even possible of Barry being Savitar and where he came from... Speed force," said Tracy.

"Come on don't have us waiting here," urged Joe as he stopped pacing.

Just then Barry and Iris came into the cotex to find it tensed.

"What's going on here?" Asked Barry. "Joe when did you get here"

"Just now. I was with Amanda. I hoped that she actually met Savitar at his hide out, long short but he always came to her," answered Joe,

"Ok, hello. Yeah so you all keep saying that he is a speedster and that he was released from something called Speed Force."

"Yeah but what has that got to do with what you have to do?" Asked HR.

"Everything. The whole concept of speed force is under my theory. I think I'm created Speed Force. But this research and process seems from more advance than my research now."

"If it is true and you created speed force then you are trap him in there and you can help save Iris right now. You have two days to create this weapon and help top Savitar... Please" begged Joe.

"I can try but it is a powerful prison that can stop Savitar. I will need a power source that I huge and can handle opening the portal," said Tracy. "And it has to be fast, I can start making a gun but it won't work unless we get a power source."

They all fell silent. They had a upper hand now but once again they had hit a wall. Then finally Barry spoke.

"I think I know someone who can help us. I know he is busy with his stuff but he is the only one that I can think of that can help us."


"I wasn't expecting? Is everything ok, how did the whole memory thing go?" asked Oliver Queen.

Barry had run to Starling City to meet him. He had been waiting for him at their meeting place on the roof top. Oliver knew straight away that something was looking at Barry's face.

"Things have gone from bad to worse with Caitlin and I right now you are my only hope to save her and Iris," answered Barry.

"Wait, how is Caitlin's life in danger in this all?"

"It's a long story but basically, Killer Frost won but I can't lose her to Savitar. We have found a way to save both Iris and Caitlin but we need something. Which I have a feeling that you might have access to."

"What do you need? I'm always here to help," offered Oliver.

Barry explained about their plans and the possible solution to this. Oliver listened in silence and nodded to acknowledge that he was listening.

Finally, he spoke when Barry stopped. "ARGUS, maybe your best shot at this. There you may find what you are looking for. If not then I don't know. Maybe you will have to find Kara and ask if she has anything from her planet that can help you."

"What power source are you talking about. Where can ARGUS get that kind of thing?" asked Barry.

"The whole alien invasion. You really think that they didn't keep something. That alien technology should be powerful enough. The only problem is, they won't give it to you. So we will have to steal it," said Oliver.

"Wait... we?"

"You may have speed but it won't work in that building. ARGUS has many secrets and Diggle will help us uncover it. You trust us?"

"With my life..." answered Barry.


"Barry, how's things back at Central City?" asked Felecity as Barry and Oliver entered the Arrowcave.

"Getting worse, which is why we don't have time to waste. Diggle, we need your help. We need to break into ARGUS and steal something. We can't get Lyla involved in this all so we will have to go behind her back," explained Oliver.

After a few hesitated arguing, Diggle agreed. As much as he hated lying to Lyla, he hated the fact that he would let so many people down if he didn't help. He knew that Savitar coming into power meant chaos.

"Ok, so any metahuman abilities won't work in the layer where they would keep anything like that power source. As far as I know, the building in which they keep unexplained and dangerous stuff is under heavy protection. Barry, you will need help to get in without being seen as your speed won't work."

"That's why I'm going with him. You will be here and guiding us through the building and to that device," said Oliver as he took his bow and arrow.

Barry felt overwhelmed by this. He knew that Oliver was always there to help and he was willing to risk it all for him. This all had to work as they were nearly out of time. This alien device was their last hope. Trcay was doing all she could and he had to deliver this. 

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