Thirty Six

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Tension and fear was high in the room as all stood there keeping an eye on each other. All too scared to blink and missing on something. Jules and John completely in the dark about who this new intruder was and why was he after this woman and most importantly what were they?

Deep inside Iris watched in panic. The thought of her future kept running through her mind. Did her fate change after breaking up with Barry? Or by doing so, she had put Caitlin's life on the line?

"Guys you all...." Cisco came running into the clearing and came to a holt when he saw Savitar. "Why... How is he here?" 

"This isn't the time and place for what is to come. But it is time for her to come with me," said Savitar in what they all could assume was his calm voice.

"I'm not letting you touch her and I will fight you right now if I have to," responded Barry. 

"Such a navie thing to say. Don't mess with what you don't understand  Flash. Today and at this point Killer Frost is born and even if she doesn't fully remember what she is capable of, I know that she does understand that it isn't what you told her," said Savitar. 

"And you you want me to believe that you will lead me to this full capabilities. You will tell me the truth and not hide anything from me?" Questioned Killer Frost.

"We are God among humans. We will raise together above all and be the unstoppable team. Your true self is only pressed here and The Flash doesn't want you to live up to your full potential." 

"Caitlin don't listen to him. We all have always only wanted you to be happy. We always look out for each other and I know deep down you know that is true. Please," begged Iris. 

"Caitlin, look at me. You know that what he is saying isn't true. You yourself don't want her. You have always done what is in your power to press her and like I promised, we are going to find a cure one day," added Barry. 

He was now facing her and Killer Frost stopped and watched him in the eyes. In them she could see the pain that he was facing in seeing her like this. He truely believed what he said. 

"You care deeply about this person and you would do anything for her... But not today. You would find a cure one day... Just not today... But it's too late, she is gone," she said calmly. 

"He isn't your friend he only wants you for some reason," said Cisco. 

"Like you guys. You only use her for her abilities and want her to be someone she isn't," said Savitar. 

This all was getting to her. One side stood Barry. Looking into his eyes she could see the pain and  desperatation in keeping her safe. She could see the silent fight he was in with himself. Then on the other side this Savitar who was willing to tell her the truth. With him she saw the her true abilities. In the middle she stood doubting who to believe. 

"I know what the future holds... With them here you are only going to get pain and loss. But by my side you will live among humans as God," Savitar said breaking her thoughts.

Slowly taking a step she hesitated and as much as she hated this moment, she knew she had to make a choice and leave with it. Everyone watched as she walked over. She stopped in front of Savitar and she extended her hands to him. 

"Nnnooo...." Yelled Barry in anger. "Caitlin don't do this. This isn't you and we don't need to tell you what to do. You yourself know that this isn't the answer. You aren't like him and you belong here with us not him." 

"Yes Flash, this is my decision and as much as I would love to believe you that you will help me... I don't. With all the lies in the short amount of time you all have told Caitlin... I remember and it's about time I learnt the proper truth. I'm sorry," answered Killer Frost.

"I will take everything from you and destroy you, Flash." 

"I will stop you. I will die trying and make sure that you go down with me. You don't know what will happen," warned Barry,.

"I have always said this and I will say it again... I'M THE FUTURE...FLASH. I know how this will end," said Savitar. 

That moment Joe and HR walked in to see Caitlin and Savitar leave in a Flash of sliver and blue. 

"What the hell just happened?" Asked Joe. 

No one answered as they all just stood there. This all just felt like a dream and nothing felt real. Just a few minutes ago they were fighting off Amanda and her guys and now Cailtin was no longer herself and went with Savitar. How could he let this happen thought Barry. 

"Barry, what the hell happened? Why was Savitar here and why did Caitlin leave with him?" Asked Joe again. 

"She isn't Caitlin anymore. She is completely gone and we can't do anything about it," spoke up Julian for the first time. 

"What.." Asked HR. 

"She... She isn't herself. Killer Frost took over and Caitlin didn't even stand a chance. She stood there asking us if we could fix her and we didn't have the answer. She chose Savitar because he can answer the questions that she wants," said Julian. 

"How did this even happen? She was wearing..." Started HR but then he trailed off as he saw Iris holding the necklace. "She lost the necklace... How?" 

Iris looked at Julian and then explained what had happened. No body said anything but just listened. Barry was about to say something  but Joe stopped him. We have to focus on getting her back as well as making sure that future doesn't happen. And one way we can even have a chance is to get her memory back. For that we need to get a cure and Amanda is in our capavity. I'll take them as well. Start working on a cure and a plan to stop Savitar," said Joe in a calm voice. 

"What's the point? In one second I have lost so much and I have let so many people down. I couldn't keep my promise and I have hurt those I love. Doing good is costing more and what do I have to show for it? Maybe I'm not suppose to stop Savitar. I couldn't protect Caitlin... I shouldn't be allowed to protect this city. I LOST..." Said Barry. 

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