Forty Nine

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Seeing the new promo pictures of season 4 is making me more excited. Caitlin a bartender, no wonder she looked so badass in the trailer. Just hoping that we will get more SnowBarry on screen time this season than last season. Overall, hoping for a lighter season and fun moments.

I know that some parts may seem like... that can't happen, then just a heads up that I did change somethings about the stuff. because some parts of it I was a little unsure of so I changed it... 

Another question... to who can help me with the next chapter. I'm not a 100% sure if a non speedster can enter the Speedforce or not. I can't remember. 


Iris watched Barry as she knew that he wasn't even listening to her. From the moment that he had come back from ARGUS, he had been distant and quiet. What had happened there that had preoccupied his mind?

"Barry are you sure that you are ok? Something is clearly bothering you and I hope that even though we aren't together, we are still friends," said Iris.

"I cant stop thinking about what happened. She was so close and I was going to bring her home yet I let Savitar once again take her. I couldn't even fight for her," finally said Barry.

"You cant blame yourself. What we are doing here is not only to save me from him but also get her back. At this point she isn't her and what she is doing is because she is angry. We all know that she doesn't feel anything negative about you all. She loves you all and she will once again come back here, we are her family," comforted Iris.

Even though deep down he knew that she was right, Barry still couldn't shake the feeling of angry and regret from his inside. He was only letting Caitlin down every step of the way. She had so much trust on him and he broke it. Especially what he saw in her eyes, his guilt rose in his stomach. She loved him deeply and trusted him blindly yet...

"Yo, guys... There you are. I think we have our weapon ready," said HR excitedly.

Without another word, Barry rushed out and followed HR. He came into the lab where Cisco and Tracy were putting the final touches to the bazooka.

"The device has been added, and it should be ready to be tested," smile Tracy, proud of her work.

"We can't really test this out though. The only speedster that we have here is Barry and we know what we are trying to do. If he gets stuck there, we don't have the Philosophers Stone to bring him out... or any other way," added Iris quickly.

"She's right. That is a risk that we cant take. We will just have to hope that it works on Svaitar. The Stone was destroyed when Savitar came out so there isn't a way in which he can release himself," said Cisco.

"We cant really be sure about what he can and cant do. He has always been a step ahead of us and I don't think we should underestimate him now. I won't be relieved until he is gone for sure and Caitlin is safe," said Barry.

"That's another thing," quietly whispered Tracy. "I don't know how exactly this thing will react to her and her abilities. I don't know how this speed force works and I don't truly understand the capacity of this alien device... but I know that if you want to keep you friend safe than make sure that she isn't near the activation of the bazooka."

"Wait what?"

"All I know is that the field of power produced by this bazooka will eliminate possible 'metahuman' abilities around and how it will work, we cant tell since we cant really test it out," explained Tracy.

"Barry, I know that it isn't what we want as there is a chance that it will hurt Caitlin, but it is the best thing right now. We need this and all we have to do is keep her away from Savitar when you use it on him," jumped in HR.

"What if we can't? We are going to take that chance and use it hoping that she doesn't get in the way?" questioned Barry.

"We don't have a choice. I know that it may be hard but we have to try it. We cant lose her and we cant let Savitar go either," said Cisco.

"This is all my fault. I couldn't protect her. She stood by me and put me first and I let her down. I let her pass through the cracks and now she is in this all because of me," said Barry.

"I'm to blame for all this just as much. I don't know why but from the beginning all I wanted her to do was take that necklace off and embrace her Killer Frost. I wanted her to be her and I didn't even think about the consequences of that," came a new voice.

They all turned around to see Julian come in. He didn't look the usual self. His clothing was messy and he seem to look like hadn't slept for days. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was messy.

"Julian, we never really thought of the possibility that Savitar could still be controlling you. We kept tapping into him but never actually thought that he could do the same," comforted Barry. "There is a reason for why he wanted Caitlin to embrace her Killer Frost side."

"And I led her straight to him," said Julian. "I cared for her and yet I was the one that betrayed her. She kept saying that she would rather die that becoming Killer Frost and what did I do... make her into her."

"We cant change what happened but can change what is going to happen. We have one shot at this and we are going to take it. We are bringing her home and stopping Savitar," said Joe as he came in. "I have made the arrangements like you asked me to. The area will be closed off for any public so no one will get hurt."

"We have less than 24 hours till the future is meant to happen and one chance to change it," disclosed Barry.

Barry didn't know what was going to happen, how he was going to save Caitlin and if he would be able to save Iris from that horrible fate but he knew for sure deep down that he wasn't letting the woman he loved go without trying. He was going to go to the ends of the world if he had to save his love. He was going to change the fate of history as he planned to re-write history itself. 

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