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"Ok so we have gone through what happened on the night of... that event."

"Yeah I know and thanks to Julian's not so friendly advice, we have to come up with a better plan to save her. Barry we need to increase your speed in order to help her," pointed out Cisco. 

"Guys, I know that he doesn't have the best conversational skills and all but can we give him a chance. He really does want to help and he has some wild ideas," said Caitlin. 

"Caitlin, are you seriously siding with him on this? I mean I know he is right but I still don't trust him. Something about him is odd," said Barry. 

"Come on, he did help with the necklace. It is easier to have a this which will recharge and I don't have to worry about battery dying and all."

"I know but I'm just saying keep an eye out with him." 

"Ok guys, let's just move on this and concentrate on task at hand," intervined Cisco. 


Barry entered the CCPD office as he made his way to his lab when he saw Ben Feilds being assorted to his cell. Watching him go, Barry once again had the feeling that there was something more happening here. 

"Hey, can I have a quick word with him?" He asked the officer who nodded. "Ok I know the evidence all pointed to you but there is more to this."

"That's what I have been saying to everyone. I don't remember ever going there or even robing the place. The last thing I do remember is going to work and we had an emergency evacuation and then... That's it."

Barry thought about it. If it was a metahuman based case then why would they want Ben. This didn't make sense. "Don't worry, i would look into it and help you out if you are innocent."


"Don't you think you are taking too much on with the case and Iris and all?" Asked Caitlin the next morning. 

"I know but I can't let an innocent man go prison." 

At this Caitlin looked up at Barry. She knew straight away that this meant more to him than just a case. This reminded him of his father being wrongly accused. She put her hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Than you are lucky that we haven't stopped looking at the leads that we got about robberies."

"Thanks, and what did you find out?"

"Well in the past few months there have been robberies in which the victims don't remember what happened. They were found two days later no recollection of where they were or how they got there. But no one found any evidence that incrimated them. The money was never found."

"This is the only time where we found a victim and evidence. And also a murder had taken place," added Barry. 

"That's what doesn't make sense. Do you think that this a metahuman and if it is then why would they have someone else do their dirty work especially if they have the amazing a ability to make others forget things," questioned Caitlin. 

"That's it, I don't get it either." 


Barry came home to find Iris sitting on their sofa. She was working on her article and she put it away when she saw Barry come in. 

"You didn't have the best of days today did you?" She asked. 

Shaking his head he sat down next to her. "I'm no more close to finding a way to change the future and helping Ben." 

"Barry, I know you are doing everything in your power to save me but I also dont want this to push us away. Maybe we should spend this time to, I don't know have some fun."

"Iris, I'm not going  to lose you." 

Iris gave him a kiss and cuddled up with him. "So what are you thinking?" 

"Maybe helping this guy isn't part of the whole changing the future but I'm going to help him and help you too." 

Barry let out a breath. What else could he do to chnage the future? He was trying everything to make a difference but he had no idea what would work, 


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