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"Oh... Always wanting to be the hero. How many promises have you made and actually managed to keep?" Came a cold yet familiar voice from behind. 

Cisco and Barry turned slowly hoping that what they expected wasn't true. The voice spread chills down the back of Barrys back as his fear was true. There stood Killer Frost in the door way. Something about her wasn't the same though. She didn't look the way she normally did. She had fully adapted her persona. 

She wore knew length boots, a mini dark blue dress. The top crossed and become a houlter spaghetti top. She had a belt to which the buckle had a sun like head. She had a off shoulder sleeve of a coat.  It fell up to her knees and it neatly fitted around the buckle of her belt. Her sliver white hair neatly fell framing her pale face. Her lips dark blue and she wore a smile on her face.

"Cailtin, I know nothing I say is going to change your mind about all this but I'm going to keep trying. Becasue not only me but all of us know that this isn't you," said Barry. He stepped closer to her. 

"Oh god, I wonder when will you admit that the Caitlin that you knew once is gone. Savitar has filled me in about everything and I know what my future holds. If you truly cared then you wouldn't have hidden my fate from me. What you really thought that i wouldn't understand. Isis West dies, Flash disappears and Killer Frost still at large," said Killer Frost in her cold voice.

"You told me that we make our own destiny and what we do today is what shapes our future. Everything we have tried is to change the future, even for you. Yes I agree that we haven't done a good job at that but that doesn't change the fact that we care and want to help you." Replied Barry. 

"Is that a lie that you keep telling yourself to make yourself feel better. Like I said, Savitar told me everything so forgive me if I trust him more than I trust you." 

As if someone had just stabbed him multiple times Barry stood shocked at this. The last thing he had ever imaged was hearing Caitlin tell him that she couldn't trust him. Something inside him broke and every bone in his body wanted to hold Caitlin and make her believe that he was always on her side.

"What, can't handle the truth?" she said.

"No matter what you say or how much you think that you being this cold is hurting me, I'm not going to let that change the fact of how much I care about you and how much I care," responded Barry. 

"Cailtin, please don't let Savitar tell you what to do. He is here to destroy us all and he is definitely not your or any of out friend. He is only using you as a pawn in his plan to destroy the Flash," said Cisco from behind Barry. 

Killer Frost laughed at this and it was a cold but sweet sound. "Cisco the irony in that statement," she said.

"Ok I have no idea who you are, what I have done to you and why you are after me? All I want to do is leave. I dot know why you want to hurt me?" Asked Tracy in a shaky voice. 

For a second Barry and Killer Frost had forgotten that she as there and why they were there.

"You don't know why yet but you are more important to this all than you think. Your death is more valuable to us than you being alive," said Killer Frost. 

What did she mean. What was so important about Tracy that even Savitar wanted her dead. Eveything he did was for a reason and he never made a decision that didn't fit into a plan of his. So that definitely meant that Tracy was someone of great importance. 

Barry took a step closer to Killer Frost but even he didn't see it coming as she raise her hand up and pushed it back towards him. A cold gush of wind blew and Barry went flying back hitting the wall. Cisco and Tracy watched in horror at this. 

"Caitlin, I'm not going to hurt you or let you hurt Tracy," said Barry trying to get up. 

"Why wouldn't you admit my and all your fate. Savitar gave you months to come to teams of this all yet you still came up short. You still don't know the identity of his," smiled Killer Frost.

"You... You know who it is don't you?" Asked Barry. He could see in her eyes the pure happiness of know and taunting him about it.

"Oh no, I'm not going to spoil the surprise for you. You should work it out yourself. At least do that on your own Flash." 

"Flash... The are him..." Said Tracy. 

"No isn't the time to discuss who is who. All you need to know is that we are here to save you," whispered Cisco. 

"They are only going to disappoint you, you know," said Killer Frost. 

Once again she stepped forward and her hands was releasing a cold mist. She jabbed her hands towards Cisco and he went flying back and slide down next to Barry. Tracy stood alone looking back at the others. Fear was now clearly visible on her face as she shook head to toe. Was this it, was she going to be killed by this.... This so called Caitlin. 

"Caitlin... Please stop. You are not a killer. I want to walk out of here with you, not a killer. You never wanted this," yelled Barry. 

"One of Savitars prediction has already come true... One has already betrayed you and soon one shall suffer fate worse than death..." She said. 

Barry and Cisco stopped dead at this. What did she mean by this? They always knew this but Barry always wished that he could change this before anything came true. 

"Oh.... You don't know. How exciting. I get to be the one to ruin and break your perfect little team flash... Looks like you aren't the only one that keeps things from others," she said. 

Without being hit again, Barry felt like another cold gash of wind had hit him again. They all knew that Cailtin was the one that kept the whole philosophers stone thing quiet but what was she on about? Nothing no longer made sense. 

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