Twenty Four

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"Are you you can't remember them?" Asked Juilian. 

"I thought that maybe it was because we must have met like in the last 3 years and that's why I can't remember them. But thinking back and hearing those names, I remembered that I have a note with those names. But unfortunately I can't remember the faces," explained Caitlin.

"Caitlin this isn't s good sign. Especially since you spoke to them 2 days ago. How do you think they found out about all this mess. H.R and Cisco thought it would be a good idea to do so," said Juilain. 

Surprised Caitlin started to pace. How could this be possible. She remembers what happened in the past few days yet she can't remember about them or even talking to them. 

"You don't think that the whole memeory thing is starting to randomly mess up my mind, do you?" She asked desperate to get some answers. 

"Honestly i don't know. We are dealing with a metahuman whose abilities we don't know about and the we have only just started to figure out what it is. I don't think even Amanda and team even know how dangerous this stone is really." 

"I should tell Barry and them about this. They have to know that I'm getting worse and that my ability to function in this team isn't good," stated Caitlin.

"No, not yet. Let me work on this first and then we will go to them. Only because Cisco is working tirelessly to figure out what is wrong and Barry is dealing with it and other issues. Maybe it's time for us to take some action on our own." 

Caitlin shook her head. She knew that this would add more pressure on them and that was the last thing she wanted to do but on the other hand, she couldn't lie to them all. Especially Barry. She had given him a lecture on how he had to tell her everything and trust was important between them yet she was going to lie. "No Juilain, I'm telling Barry. I owe him that." 


"Barry as much as we are worried about the memory theif, we also need to think about the other issue. We are running out of time on that as well," said H.R.

"I know and I feel so helpless all of a sudden that I don't know what to do. I have so many problems and questions yet no answeres." 

"Maybe we should get Oliver here," stated Cisco. 

"No, he has his own problems and issues at the moment. Besides we already know that Savitar is my problem. I'm the one that needs to kill him and getting others invloeves is only going to het then hurt," said Barry frustrated. 

"Barry, we can't push this aside. Savitar is here to kill and hurt the people around you. We all know what happens in the future and we know that it's not something to take lightly. My daughter is going to be killed in cold blood and Caitlin is going to go all Killer Frost and don't know what she is capable of," said Joe. 

"Wally should be returning soon and then maybe we can split this up. He can deal with Jules and John while you deal with Savitar," suggested H.R.

Barry nodded and then stopped. At the door stood caitlin and Juilain. Caitlin looked hurt and annoyed and Juilan was holding onto her shoulders trying to pull her away. She pushed his hands away and left angrily. Feeling bad Barry followed her out. How much had she heard?


"Caitlin, Caitlin please just listen to me. Don't make me use my speed," called Barry. Rolling his eyes he sped up and within seconds was in front of Caitlin. 

She didn't see him come and collided with him. Reacting quickly, Barry extended his hands and she crushed into him. He held her there for a few seconds getting her to calm down and actually listen to him. 

"Caitlin, just listen to me and I can explain," begged Barry. 

"So you can lie to me again. Barry I'm sick of just hearing excuses and explanations that isn't even true. It's getting  harder for me to even believe in you. I want to be but there is always something that comes up that tests my patience," yelled Caitlin in frustration. 

"I haven't hidden anything from you. I have told you the truth. There are some issues that you don't need to worry about. It's my problem," tried explaining Barry.

"You can't honestly believe that I'm that navie. I'm that stupid  that I didn't understand what was happening there. Barry I heard what you were talking about. Savitar isn't just a nobody. He is here to kill Iris and that is why eveyone is so worried. You don't know how to defeat it. And...and I'm going to turn into Killer Frost." 

Barry stood there in silence. What he wanted to avoid is what happened and now Caitlin knew the whole truth. How was he going to keep her save when she now wouldn't back down. 

"Caitlin, please just calm down and listen to me. I know I didn't tell you about this all was only because everything I do is to chnage the outcome of the future. An I hoped that if you didn't know about this all then maybe... Just maybe I could change one point of the future that would have a butterfly effect," explained Barry. 

Caitlin looked at him and slowly started to calm down. She looked into his eyes and deep down she got the feeling and a connection that made her just believe in him. Unable to explain this connection she relaxed and Barry came closer and gave her s hug. She rested her head on his shoulders and calmed down. 

Even though she believed in what he said, she still had a feeling inside that told her that Juilian was right also. She couldn't do this to Barry. She couldn't tell him about her degrading memeory  right now. He had to focus on saving the person that he loved and that was Iris. If she could could work with Juilain To find a cure for her problem then she was going to try and let Barry concentrate on this Savitar. 

She wasn't going to be the reason for the death and destruction of the West family and the FLash because she knew the pain of losing someone you care about... 

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