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First of all I would like to start by acknowledging the new promo pictures and videos that was posted up on Instagram in regards to the finale of season 3. I'm so upset seeing that there isn't any pictures of Caitlin. In the new promos, it's shown them to be at someone's funeral and all are sad. Another one shows Barry leaving everyone while everyone is crying. Quote: someone will definitely die in the finale. I'm begging hopefully it's not Caitlin because Team Flash is nothing without Dr Caitlin Snow.

Please share your thoughts...


"Do you think she was exposed to more of the magic stone stuff?" Asked HR. 

Everyone looked at him but said nothing. 

"What, we all were thinking it," he said. 

"To be honest I don't know how the whole memory loss stone works but from what I have seen and been able to gather it erases memeory for certain time. She remembers it all since she last woke up yet a specific thing is missing from her memeory," explained Cisco. 

"He is right. She was alone when I got there and she knows everything after the first attack," said Barry. 

"Yet it doesn't explain the sudden loss of that information," added Iris. 

"Caitlin is there anything that your remember about Ronnie?" Asked Juilian. 

"I still don't know who that is and why do you keep asking me about him. Do I know this person and is he someone that I should remember?" Asked Caitlin. She was still confused about what was happening. "All I remember is I was at the Lillian Plaza with... Barry and I found they were working on at that research facility. Then Barry came and something happened, I woke up here," explained Caitlin. 

"Ronnie was your...husband. He died saving us all," said Iris. 

"Hus...husband," whispered Caitlin. "How can I forget my own husband? What is happening." 

"Wait, we can still make this all work out. Caitlin you said you managed to out what the facility was researching. This may help us figure out what John and Jules were after," added Cisco. 

"I went through the files and most of them were paper work on simple vaccines for viruses. Some were classified Military medicine research. Some were Government bases research. One file that stood out was research titled 'Opia'. There wasn't mush on there. It was a classified filed," stated Caitlin. 

"Ok so what about that file made it stand out?" Asked HR

"It talked about a substance that was found and when properties was under investigation. It help some minerals that could be used to treat cancer but it also had something that they couldn't identify. While in research, it was found to be unrecognisable on earth. Sound familiar," she said looking up at Cisco. 

"Sounds like the stone that was used to power up the stone. Either the stone has the ability to take away memeory making it dangerous or they managed to change its purpose and into a weapon." 

"That explains why they went back to the Facility, they need more of the stone," added Juilain. 

"The facility denied that anything was missing from there," informed Iris. 

"I have a feeling that they aren't telling the truth. Maybe it's time I paid them a visit," said Barry. He zoomed out leaving the others behind. 


Barry came to a stop outside Head of Lillian Plaza, Dr Leala Michelle. Coming inside, Barry saw her going through her files and she stopped quickly when she saw him approach. Nervous, she got up. 

"I... I don't have anything to say or offer you," she said in a scared voice.

"I'm not here to take anything but to ask to you to tell the truth. Was anything stolen from your possion," asked Flash. (Voice manipulated)

At first she hesitated and looked away from him. "Like I said in the news, nothing was taken and we managed to keep our research safe," she said. 

Barry noticed that her voice shook as she spoke. It was clear that she was lieing and what the were fearing was happening. 

"I know about project Opia and that the main substance that you use in the vaccine is a stone that you haven't been able to identify. When used incorrectly, that stone can be used as a weapon. The robbery at the Facility was to steal that stone," explained  Flash. 

Dr Leala turned to face Flash. She had fear in her eyes as she took a step forward. "I don't know how you know about that project. But yes. We couldn't identify the source of that stone but it had properties that were unique. Then one of our researchers found a way to manipulate the minerals. We let her go but when she left she threaten us that she would make us pay," explained Leala.

"What was the name of this researcher?" Asked Flash.

"Dr Slender Meyers," she answered. 

This all was starting to make sense. If he was correct, then Amanda, Jules and John were working with this Slender. That would explain how they managed to turn that stone into a weapon. They had to find  this Dr Slender and fast.

"Thanks for your help, and one last thing. How much of this stone did they get away with?" 

Leala took in a deep breath as she answered, "they managed to take all the stones that we and found. It was over 38 kilograms worth of stone."


Caitlin sat alone in the Bay Area. She still tried to process the idea of forgetting something else. She was startled when she felt a cold breeze and her hair get blown in the wind. 

"It's only me," said Barry quickly. 

"Did you find out the truth?" Asked Caitlin getting up. 

"Yeah, we may have a problem. They manage to steal over 38kilos of stone. We have to find a way to stop them. God knows what they are planning on doing with it." 

Barry looked at Caitlin and could see the fear on her face. "Something is bothering you isnt it's?" He said. 

"How did you know," she said. 

"You... You are biting your lower lip. You always do that when something is bothering you," smiled Barry. 

Caitlin looked away and Barry thought he saw her blush a little. 

"Everything about this is bothering me. Instead of remembering things, I'm forgetting. What if that's not the only thing I forgot. We were only lucky to have been aware because I said his name," said Caitlin. 

Barry didn't know what to say to make this better. Because the more he thought about it the more it made sense to him. He understood where she was coming from and with the other things happening he was already feeling the strain.

Placing a hand on her hand, Barry squeezed it and said, "I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you. We will find a way to make this all go away." 

Caitlin gave him a hug and let out a breath of relief. She was glad that this time around she hadn't forgotten him. She couldn't bare to even think what would happen if she forgot him again. With all that didn't make sense, having Barry by her side made her feel relaxed. Having everyone around made her feel relief. 

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