Forty One

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OMG!!!! Finally watched the trailer for season 4 of the Flash. I have no words to describe how happy I got seeing Caitlin back. I love Killer Frost but I also love Caitlin... I'm hoping that we get both in this new season. Also watching Grant and Danielle together in interviews makes me happy as last season they barely had any onscreen time together. They have admitted that last season was dark and slow which they will try and change in this season. Lets hope that they can bring the same Team Flash vibes back. No Julian this season and Iris isn't going to be the reporter. 

I'm looking forward to seeing them redeem themselves and have less focus and pushing of Iris and Barry relationship and more on the hero he is. Im sorry if I have spoilt anything for any of the readers but I had to share my thoughts. I would also love to hear from you all... 


Tracy watched them as she now lost completely at what was happening. She was glad that the focus had now moved from her life to now some person issues of theirs but what was truly going on here? Why was she here after her in the first place and what was she after? 

"How can we truely trust you that you are going tell us the truth. You don't even remember anything until two days ago," said Cisco. He slowly got up. 

"You two are the last people I would like to hear about trust or anything that you say," snapped Killer Frost. "Unlike you two, Savitar hasn't kept anything from me and what I have asked, he has responded to." 

"And you have more faith in him than us?" said Barry. 

The smile from Killer Frost's face disappeared at this. "All this could have been avoided if only you didn't want your mother alive. In this process you wanted to play the hero and that cost us all so much. So yes, I have faith in him."

"Enough with this blaming and not trusting game. What do you know about one of our fates?" interrupted Cisco. 

Killer Frost turned to him and once again smiled. "He told me about all the moment leading up to this all. He also told me how you all blamed Caitlin for being the one to betray you all with the Philosophers Stone."

"What does that have to do with anything else?" 

"Come on... you guys are seriously that bind or do you just don't want to see the obvious. Caitlin was never the one to betray you. Yes she hid that fact but she wasn't it. Someone else stayed within your little group and was always the eyes for Savitar. Someone among you always kept him in the loop and that is how he always stayed one step ahead of you. Thats why he always knew what was happening and how to stop you. Have you figured it out yet?" said Killer Frost. 

The way she said this, gave them goosebumps. She was right, they had focused so much on her being the one to betray them that they didn't think to look further. Someone definitely was the one helping Savitar and this never clicked for them. Barry looked up her and as if a lightbulb had just turned on.

"You know who they are, don't you?" said Killer Frost. 

"I... I never even thought about it. I was so focused on changing the future that I didn't realise that I was writing it. Im sorry Cisco... I was the one... I'm the one that betrayed this team.... and I know who He is... I know who Savitar is," said Barry. 

Cisco watched from Barry to Killer Frost hoping that he would suddenly understand what just happened. How could Barry be possibly the one to betray them... Then who was going suffer fate worse than death?

"And you also know who will suffer fate worse than death, and who is going to fall?" asked Barry. 

Killer Frost only nodded at this. She still wore that smile on her face. Barry couldn't believe where they stood. At one point they were so close and now she was happy at the destruction of this team. A part of him sank at the though of losing her completely to Killer Frost. He couldn't imagine not having Caitlin by his side. He was the reason behind this all and now they all were paying... Even Caitlin. He cared too much about her to let her go yet he was the one pushing her away. 

"Time for being petty is over Flash. You have made your own bed and now its time you slept on it. Iris is going to die and doesn't matter if you know who Savitar is, its too late. And you know it."

And without warning, Killer Frost threw something and before Barry even had a chance to react saw Tracy fall back. Something had hit her and she fell to the floor. Running to be by her side, he looked up and saw Killer Frost make her way to the doors. She stopped and turned for a second before she disappeared. 

Tracy lay on the floor taking short breaths. She was hit on her stomach with ice crystal. 

"She went through with it. She actually killed her?" said Cisco as he also now came to her side. 

"No she didn't. No matter how much she tries to move away from ever being Caitlin, she is still inside her. This crystal missed any dangers and only injured her. She took the shot but not to kill... but to slow her at best," said Barry. 

He picked up Tracy and in a flash he was gone. He only stopped when he came to the ER and placed her on a grunny. He pushed her in calling out for a doctor... Everything from here felt like was happening in fast motion. 

He wasn't listening to anything the doctors were saying. All he kept thinking about was Caitlin. Seeing her like that was killing him from the inside. He hated himself for letting this all come this far. He hated the fact that his focus went to Iris so much that he let her fears and nightmares come true. He was the reason why she had chosen to go with Savitar... Savitar... he knew who he was and now he had nothing to lose. The people that he cared about were going to die or get hurt... he was going fight... even if that meant for him to die in the process. 

Something hit Barry at that moment... In this all Iris wasn't the main focus for him... it was someone else. He only cared about what would happen to Caitlin... He feared for her... 

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