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"I have been through the reports and police reports many times and I'm afraid I haven't found anything that makes any connection to any possibilities to a metahuman is involved," said Caitlin. 

"I know we are missing something and I can't let it go. My job is to catch the right criminal whether they are human or metahuman, " said Barry as frustration fuelled him. 

Caitlin knew how he felt and she also knew what this meant to him. He always wanted to be the person that could help everyone. She got up and pulled his chair out away from the computer. Confused about what she was doing Barry watched curiously and didn't say anything. 

"Come on, get up," she said with a smile. "We are going to... Clear our minds and get some prespective with this. Maybe we will have a better chance of finding something then." 

Thinking about it for a few seconds, Barry got up and followed Caitlin. She always knew how to make him relax and calm and also when he needed to let things go. 

"So what do you have in mind?" 

"You are going to do what you do best. Do what makes you feel free allows you to do what you love and the thing that doesn't require you to over thinking anything. RUN," cheered Caitlin. "We are going to go to our training field and there you are going o run in the open field. That way we can also do our training that we haven't done for a while. Two birds one stone." 

"Let's go the," agreed Barry. He came closer to Caitlin which startled her and he picked her up. "Running there will be faster," he said. 

She put her hands around his neck and held tight as he gave her a smile and then he was off leaving behind a trail of papers. 


"Joe, I know Barry is obsessed with the whole case and he wants to believe that it has something to do with metahuman and that he is innocent but I'm sorry but all evidence are pointing to him," said Julian. 

"I know and I have told him this but I know him. He won't let it go. Once he gets a feeling, he can't shake it off that easily," said Joe. 

"I thought I should have a look again at the evidence and the reports." 

"Thanks for that." 

"But I do think that he may be up to something," added Juilian. Joe stopped and looked at him now curiosity taking over. 

"I'm listening, what do you mean?" He asked. 

"Well, Caitlin and Cisco have been looking at other cases from different cities and there have been cases where the victim doesn't remember robbery taking place at their own home. Maybe we do have a metahuman attaching and stealing, didn't you have someone like this before who used a cold gun to steal."

"Yeah until he joined our side and now helps protect the our world." 

"Ha, ironic," laughed Juilian. 

"We can't really take this to the Capatin until we have anothe link or something but I'm glad Barry found us a reason to keep looking."


Barry ran on the field, free of all the problems that he had to face. Away from the thought of Iris dying, Caitlin losing herself to Killer Frost, possibly an innocent person being framed for a crime that he doesn't remember doing. It felt great and he and forgotten how this felt. With so much happeneing, things had been tense and things didn't seem that simple. They did have moments of joy but it felt like it was always overpowered by something going wrong. 

But on the field, he could just leave it behind and think. Juilian was right. He had to find a way to be faster or come up with another plan to save Iris. Maybe he should listen to him and gave him create a way to get Caitlin use her a abilities. If she is able to use it then maybe she can help him save Iris. He can also change her future in that process. 

He came to a holt and saw Caitlin standing there with a smile on her face. The innocence on her face and the sweetness and warmth in her eyes. No, he could ask her to scarifice all that on a possibility of it may help them. There had to be a way to clear all this out. They had been through a lot more and come out on top. Once again they were going to do it. Maybe they would need help from someone super.

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