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Barry stood there watching Caitlin as she was silent but tears were falling down her eyes. He hated seeing her life this. He couldn't stand watching her cry and this upset.

"Caitlin, please try and understand. I only didn't tell you because I wanted to keep you safe. I wanted you to have a normal life this time around."

"What do you mean, 'normal'? How m I suppose to have a normal life when apparently I'm a metahuman and I'm called Killer Frost? Did you expect me to never know this?"

Barry let out a deep breath before continuing. "Everything bad that has happened to you has been because you have known me. Everyone that I love and care for has made sacrifices. I manage to mess everyone's lives and that also included you. I thought that if I managed to save my mother the day she died then maybe I could change everything. Which also included Ronnie being alive today," explained Barry.

Caitlin wiped away the tears and started to calm down. She still angry with him yet finally starting to learn the truth calmed her down. "So what makes you think not telling me about all this would have turned out better?"

"Well honestly, I may not have thought this through but one thing that I was sure about was that maybe if you didn't get to know me and what we did too much than I could given you a chance of being and doing something that you love. Not knowing me was a better option for you."

"I don't get what you were trying to do or if that is even possible. Even with a memory that isn't something that is to be trusted, I still believe that I would have made the same choices about working here with you and this team over leaving. There must have been a reason why I stayed the first time around now," said Caitlin. 

She came closer and put a hand on Barry's shoulder. He looked up surprised and relief as he saw her calm down from her anger.

"What is my abilities and m I that dangerous? Why m I not locked up?"

"After I created Flashpoint, I messed up everyone's lives. This is going to be hard to explain but there are different earths and we have travelled to it and have had people come from it. In Earth 2 we found your doppelganger who was known as Killer Frost. She possessed abilities of absolute cold and used her abilities to hurt and harm people. After flashpoint, you started to show the same abilities. Cisco, who has the abilities too saw you taking and embracing full Killer Frost in the near future. But don't worry, we managed to create this locket that keeps her away and you are safe," explained Barry.

Silence fell in the room. Barry watched Caitlin as she stood there silent. She tried to process all this information. She looked at Barry hoping that all this was some kind of joke. She searched in Barry's face any sign.

"I don't expect you to understand all this but believe me when I say that I only wanted you to have a life away from all this. You have done so much for me and this was the only way I could thing about making it worth it," said Barry breaking the silence.

Caitlin came closer and put her hands around him. She gave him a hug and they stood there for a while. This felt good. With all that was happening and nothing going there way. It was good to stand here like old times.

"Barry, no matter what, I have a feeling that I would never have wanted to leave your side. I may not remember all that we have done and I don't know if I even will. But remember this, I'm always on your side and will do everything to help you. Just don't hide anything from me."


"Hey Cisco," greeted Iris. She came in and took a seat next to him. Cisco looked up and smiled. He noticed that Iris wasn't her usual self.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What's right?" answered Iris with a question. "Team Flash is loosing and we keep running into dead ends rather than finding any solution."

"I know the frustration but we cant give in yet. We have faced so many unexplained, more powerful and more dangerous things in the past and we cant give in yet. Its only a device. I will find a way t reverse this," said Cisco trying to sound more confident that he actually felt.

"I know that," smiled Iris. "Well that is part of the issue. Barry already has to find out who Savitar is and stop him before, well you know," said Iris. "And now this. one thing doesn't finish and a new issue raises up."

"I know this is hard and we are all under pressure to stop this. We are already down one member, we cant have everyone starting to lose hope," said H.R.

Cisco and Iris turned around to find him standing at the door holding cups of coffee. "I thought that maybe you'd need something to keep you going."


The atmosphere at STAR Labs wasn't too happy. Everyone tried to give each hope but deep down they all knew that things weren't looking good. They hadn't found who Savitar was, how they were going to defeat him, how they were going to save Iris, get Caitlin back to normal.

How were they going to change the prophecy:

One shall fall...

One will suffer fate worse than death...

One shall betray you...


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