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Cisco sat at the table trying to figure out what happened with the device they found when the alarm went off warning them that Flash was needed. Caitlin came to the computer and filled in Barry in the situation. 

"There is a robbery taking  place at the museum. Arts works were being unloaded when the guards saw someone at the loading docs. They activated the silent alarm. Barry you go, the guy may still be there." 

Barry put on his suit and zoomed out to the location. 


Barry arrived at the museum and found the guards unconscious near the door. He went inside slowly and tried to keep quiet. He has a quick look around but couldn't find anything. 

"Guys, this was a trap or a rouse, noting is missing  and there is no one here. Someone was here but they are gone," Barry told the others.

"That doesn't make any sense. Do you think it is the same people who have been responsible for the other robberies and all." 

"I don't know, Cisco call an ambulance for the guards and I'm.... But he stopped. He has spotted something from the corner of his eyes. It was a small silver box with a bright orange ribbon. "Guys, there is a box and there is a card. It is addressed to the Flash." 

"Bring it here and we will examine it. Don't open it. It may be a trap or something," advised Caitlin. 


"What is it?" Asked H.R looking over Ciscos shoulders. 

"Give me some space to actually examine it will you," snapped Cisco. "Ok so looking at it, it looks like a... Statue." 

"Why would a criminal leave a statue for the Flash?" Asked Barry. 

"I don't know and are you sure there wasn't any other thing there that could possibly tell us who was involved?" Asked Caitlin. 

"No, the room was clear and I went through the list of items arriving and the items there. It was all there and only thing out of place was this."

"That's odd but from all the examination that I have ran on it, looks harmless and nothing that says otherwise."

"Maybe it was prank. We can't do anything about it till we find more," said H.R trying to break the silence. "I know this may not be the best time but with all that is happening and the stress that we are all under, it's been a while since we have been you know, team Flash. How about we all go out for some drinks and a bit to eat." 

Everyone watched him but no one said anything. "I'm up for it. I mean even team Flash needs a break right," spoke up Joe. 

"That's actually not a bad idea. We can all think about this tomorrow and for one night just forget it all," said Caitlin. She noticed Barry about to say something. She knew from the look on his face that he was about to object to the idea. He wanted to continue working in this but it was also apparent that he needed to spend time to people he cared about and people that loved him.

They all started to leave the room only Barry, Iris and Caitlin were left behind. 

Iris watched as Barry didn't even move. She felt helpless because she couldn't do anything for him. Caitlin walked over to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. "You go ahead, I will talk to him and we will join you." 

With a smile, Iris left. 

"Barry, what's bothering you?" 

"What about this all isn't bothering me? I try to solve one issue and four more raise. I know Oliver said that all will go through that phase where we question our abilities but what is the point of this when i can't even save the person I love."

"I know that it is goin to be hard to hear this but sometimes you will reach a point that is so painful that everything  will look grey and pointless. When everything falls apart and when there is no way out, that's when a true hero will raise. That's when a true hero will pick up the slack and fight the hardest. And you are not alone. You have eveyone in this room on your side and willing to give up everything to be by your side." 

Barry looked up at Caitlin. She had a smile on her face yet her eyes were tearing up. 

"You will gave set backs but what counts is how you fight and raise to the challenge. For the love of all that is sane, you have fought with aliens and lived. So keep fighting." 

Barry smiled back and he pulled Caitlin closer and gave her a hug. He squeezed her tight and they didn move for a while as that just felt good. "And besides, I was and will be by your side always. I trust you and know you will always do what is right for us all." 

"Thanks, I needed that. Maybe H.R is right, we should go out and reconnect as a team and have a look at this with a fresh eyes and mind." 

They were about to leave when Caitlin stopped. "Hold the elevator, I'll just get my bag," said Caitlin.

Barry left leaving Caitlin behind. She went to get her bag when she heard a ticking sound. She stopped and looked around but the room was empty. She looked around for the source of the ticking sound but couldn't find anything. She was about to leave when the ticking got louder and faster. Trying to follow the sound, she came to where the box was on the desk. She opened the box and shocked she moved back. 

The staue was glowing and the base of it was vibrating. She reached out to pick it up when there was bang and she dropped the statue. She fell back into the chair and she could hear ringing sounds. She didn't even see Barry come in running. He was by her side and helping her up. 

"What happened? What was that sound?"

It took a while for her ears to adjust. "Yeah I'm fine, but I don't know. Maybe one of Cisco's gadgets played up. What was I doing here?"

"You were getting  your bag. Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yeah," she said and she left. 

Barry watched her leave and something  was up. She was acting werid and something did go off in that room. Maybe he was over thinking it. But he couldn't push away the feeling.

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