Twenty Six

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Hi all, I will be starting a new Snowbarry story soon. This will be a little different as it will be a crossover between Flash and Arrow. Hope people are interested in that. It will be entitled ... Funhouse. Please read and enjoy that just as much as these ones. Thanks. 


"I have managed to get Barry off this case. He will now be focused on Iris and Savitar. I trust that you know what you are doing and can come up with a solution to this all?" Whispered Caitlin to  Juilain. 

"Why are we whispering then?" 

"I really don't want Barry or the others to find out about this. They think that becaus I can't remember, I'm not going to be useful in this all. By the way, who saved Barrys life when Savitar was about to kill him? Barry changed the subject when I asked." 

At first Juilain hesitated but then looking at Caitlin he couldn't lie to her. "It was your powers... I mean Killer Frosts powers. From what I heard, it was before she took over the first time around. That's when we first met. You nearly killed me... But you didn't," said Juilain quickly. 

Caitlin watched him with complete shock. If they knew about her powers being so bad, then why would they have let her use it. She hoped that there was a good reason for this. 


"Do you think it was a good idea to let that topic go. She does deserve to know the truth," said HR. 

"Currently I don't know what is right or wrong but at time it felt right. I will tell her the truth but for now our focus is Savitar. How to defeat him and then going back to helping Caitlin," replied Barry. 

"Barrry, we need to talk," came Iris's voice. 

Barry turned around to find her standing by the door. By the looks of it she was upset about something. Barry followed her out. She stood there in silence for a while before continuing. 

"Please don't say anything and let me finish before you start. This has taken me so long and so much courage to stand here and say this to you. You know I love you so much and that I would love to be your wife like I promised. But to be realistic the only way that I can think about in order to save me is... For you to let me go."

"What... Iris..." 

"Barry please. Savitar wants to destroy you. He wants to take everything away from you. First your mum, then dad and now me. All that you hold close to you gone. I know that it's not going to be easy but I have to do this. We need to break up and make him believe that I'm not the important one in your life. That is the only way he can spare my life and allow you to kill him," finished Iris. 

Barry stood there in silence. It was hard to accept this information. "How can you possibly doubht that I can save you. I'm willing to do anything to save you. That doesn't mean that I have to give up on us," said Barry.

"Trust me, I don't want this either. You have too much happening and the best way for something to ease away is if I take a step away and let you all work on this. With Caitlin down you will need less distractions." 

"Breaking up with you isn't an option. I'm doing this with you. Savitar knows that I love you and you are important to me. I'm going to fight till the end and make sure you are save. That's my promise to you."


"Are you sure this is save. I mean it won't... You know blow up again. Will it?" Asked Caitlin. 

"Yeah, Cisco has been working on it and I'm sure he has disarmed it already," answered Juilain.

Caitlin and Juilian stood over the device. Finally deciding that she needed to get some answeres of her own, Caitlin had agreeded to work with Juilain on this. She still wasn't 100% convinced that she should go behind Barrys back but Juilain had made her see that Barry needed to focus on Iris. 

"Ok, opening this up, doesn't look like much but Cisco was convinced that the answe to this all is in there. I have the stone here as well." 

Something about this all didn't seem right to her. She had a gut feeling that not trusting Barry or even lying to him wasn't the right thing to do. 

"Are you sure that Barry isn't going to be coming to the CCPD labs anytime soon. I mean doesn't he work here?" Asked Caitlin.

"Yeah but since the whole Savitar thing, he had mostly been around STAR Labs," answered Juilain. 

They were busy examining the device and the stone when Caitlin stopped. She stopped and listened. Had she heard something. She had heard footsteps and from her corner of her eye, she could have sworn she saw a shadow. They weren't alone in this lab. She turned around slowly but there wasn't anyone there. She was about to turn back when she saw it again. A shadow... 

"Juilian, Juilain we aren't alone here. Someone is here," she whispered. 

Juilain got up and made his way to the direction wheere she had pointed to. He disappeared behind a self... Silence... Then without a warning...

 BANG... Juilian went sliding across the floor and into the wall. He lay there unconscious. Caitlin went a step forward toward him but stopped when she saw a figure come out. She had a smile on her face and she looked directly at Caitlin. 

Trying to think who she was, Caitlin drew a blank.

"I had hoped that you guys would stop digging around this all. I hoped that the Flash would have learnt his lesson with you but clearly he needs another lesson," she said. 

Caitlin had no idea what was happening and all she now wanted was Barry .., here. She slowly ran behind the desk and pulled out her phone. With shaking hands she tried to dial Barry's number. But before she could do that, the woman was next to her and she there was a bright green lights like laser show... A fog of smoke and next thing she saw was the roof of the lab and hitting the ground... Hard. 

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