Twenty Eight

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Ok so I'm still speechless about finding  out who Savitar is... I mean I guessed it would be him but still the actual reveal was like.... 😱😱😧😧.  This raises more questions such as how did he come to be Savitar and why does he want Iris dead so badly. Now thinking back, they had given is hints. "I'm the future Flash"...  He actually meant future Flash. And Cailtin, "you have a lot in common"... 

But another thing made me smile and love. The idea of how even when evil, Barry chose Cailtin to be by his side. She is the one that he trusted and 'we could be gods'. Even ship Evil KillerFlash or FlashFrost.

Please share your thoughts... 


HR came into the room which he found to be in darkness. He was about to leave when he saw a shadow sitting by themself. He came in and the closer he came, he could make out that it was Iris. 

She sniffles when she heard footsteps. Turning around she found HR now sitting next to her. 

"You want to talk about what is bothering you? I know that I may not be the person that will have all the answers for you problems but I'm a great listener," smiled HR. 

Iris tried to hide the tears but looking at him she couldn't. She really just needed to talk to someone and right now he was looking great.

"I did it. I made that hard decision that I had been pushing away. I wish there was another way but I had to," she said. 

"And what would that be?" 

"I broke it up with Barry. I can't be with him when I'm the reason that he is clouding his judgment about everything else. He can't be with me and be the hero that he needs to be. The best thing for us all is that he works on a way to fight Savitar while I'm not the one that he is scared for." 

"Iris, from what you are saying, if you are with him or not won't change the fact that he is after the one he loves. Do you really think that if you aren't together, that changes the fact that you are the one he loves. Why sadden yourself with the few moments that you have when you can enjoy it as much as possible." 

"I... I can't. If I die I want him to be free and not spend so much time morning over me. If we are broken up then he won't feel the guit. It's sounds bad but this is for his own wellbeing."

"Whatever makes you happy. Just remember that when you survive this, you are going to be together. Because when two people belong together than no matter how much obstacles they come across, they find a way to each other." 

Iris smiled at HR who gave her a wink and extended his arms. With a smile Iris gave him a  hug. 


Caitlin had requested to be left alone while she tried to remember what was happening. Barry couldn't stop thinking about what Juilian had said. He came to where Caitlin was sitting and going through the picture of team Flash. 

"Caitlin, do mind if I come in. I know you didn't want us here," he said in a soft small voice. 

Looking up, a weak smile appeared on her face. "Barry, the guy who is being blamed for what happened. By the looks of this pictures, looks like we made quiet a team." 

At this Barry smiled, "we made an unstoppable team. We still do. I know that it may not seem like much but I do promise to fix this all."

"So was he right? This is all your doing? I have no memeory because you hit me or something? M I here because of what you did?" Questioned Caitlin. 

Barry had no answer for these questions. "All I wanted to do was make sure that the people I love and care for was always safe. I tried to keep them away from the pain and loss yet the more I tried that, the more I pushed them away. Yes I know I put too much on myself but all to keep you and them safe."

"To me it sounds like you are expecting too much from yourself. You want to achieve so much that it is the cause of your own unhappiness. You are only human and you can't ask too much from one person." 

Barry looked at her and unsure of how she could possibly have this much blind faith in him. Especially since she didn't remember anything. 

"What is flashpoint. What was he on about that?" 

"That is a issue for another day. We have to deal with something first," replied Barry. 

At this Caitlin got a doubt raise inside her chest. Was Juilian telling the truth about him? Was Barry hiding something from her and had she just backed up the wrong perosn. She had to go meet juilian and hear his side of the story.


"So this is where you work? I thought maybe you all just worked at STAR Labs," said Caitlin. She came insid foreign lab where Juilan was working on something. 

"Aah, so you found time out of siding with Barry to come pay me a visit," said Juilian sarcastically. He didn't turn around to acknowledge her. 

"Are you made at me for some reason because I don't remember," responsed Caitlin. "And if you are referring to me ignoring your warning and siding with Barry than you should know that I had a think about it and decided to come here and give you a chance to tell me what is going on." 

Finally turning around Juilian came face to face with her. "I... I really wish you could see what is happening. Barry doesn't currently care about anyone but the one person, Iris. I know you both are meant be friends but his love will come first all the time."

"What are you talking about. I don't want riddles or long explanation, all I want is a straight answer to what this is all about." 

"Its always been about Flashpoint... Flashpoint is responsible for eveything. Savitar, Iris's death, the breakup of Team Flash, you being here with no memeory, and worst of all Killer Frost."

Caitlin stood there letting this all sink in. How could one perosn  be responsible for all this and what was this flashpoint that had destroyed everyone's life. She wanted answers now and she didn't care if that meant not liking the answer to it all. 

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