Sixty One

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"Ok so that's done. There was no way we could even get Barry to consider changing his mind about going into that stupid speed force," complained Cisco. 

Cisco and Iris walked in to the cotex where Tracy and HR were talking about something. They stopped when they heard Cisco. 

"Ok... So you guys are up to something and that look on your face tells me that is isn't anything good," said Iris looking at them suspiciously. 

"Wh...what why would you say that?" Shattered HR.

"Ok definitely something is up,"joined in Cisco. 

"Oh and here I thought I could get away with it," came the cold sarcastic voice of Killer Frost. 

Iris and Cisco both turned and relief showed in their faces. They were happy to see that Cailtin was all right. Especially after the scare that they had gotten. Iris stepped forward to hug her but stopped when she raised her hands.

From her hand, mist was coming out with indicated that she was getting ready to attack. Iris stopped and slowly started to back away, 

"Ok so not the reunion I was hoping for here. I'm not going to attack or harm you Cailtin," she said in a calm voice.

"Force of habit, I can't help it. I don't trust or care about anyone so..." Said Killer Frost. She lowered her hand but didn't loose eye contact with Cisco. 

"I'm just glad that you woke up. There is a problem though." 

"I 'die' for a few days or whatever and you manage to let the Flash sacrifice himself for the city. How could you guys let him be so stupid and go into that force," snapped Killer Frost. 

"Trust me, we tried but his mind was set. He believes that by doing so, he has managed to save the city from the whole destruction." 

"Yeah well for how long? He had done that for now but the whole metahumans and bad guys won't stop because the person to catch them is gone."

"He was broken up with all that happened. He thought you would understand but clearly you don't," said Iris.

Killer Frost stopped and turned to face Iris. 

"I would understand? How am I suppose to understand why someone can be so selfish. He thought that he was doing this for this city and all. No he was just running away from the pain. He gets to leave the pain behind but what about the people that love him? How are they to live with that pain and constant reminder of him," questioned Killer Frost. 

Iris didn't say anything and either did anyone else. They knew that things weren't easy for Caitlin and no amount of convincing would change that feeling that she had. 

"So what are you planning on doing?" Asked Cisco breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm not letting him rot in the speed force.  He thinks he did something good no matter what the reason behind it. I didn't just sacrifice myself with Savitar so that he could step into the speed force leaving behind the people that he loves and who love him back."

"You do realise that you wish to do something that we don't know work out or not. We don't know if you will even be able to enter the speed force with being a speedster," noted Cisco. 

"That's why Tracy is finding a way to open the speed force with your help... And we are going to use the Savitar suit to enter," explained Killer Frost.

"Ooohhh.... Actually that may just work. The suit may be tricked into  becoming a vessel for a speedster. But we will only have a few hours to find Barry and bring him back. I don't know how long we can survive in there." 

"There won't be a we... I will be the only one going. I'll need you guys to make sure that when we come back medical equipment is on stand by. Like you said we don't know what it will be like when we return." 

"I can't let..." 

"Cisco we don't have time to argue around. The longer we are here, the more time Barry is in there and the harder it will be for us to bring him back." 

"Cai.... Killer Frost is right. We have to get him back," interrupted Iris. 


After hours of non stop working  on the Savitar suit and creating the speed force, Team Flash finally came to a stop. They watched with kinglets crossed and they prepared to start this. They didn't know what they were to expect since this wasn't their usual work. Dealing with the speed force was a huge risk but it was worth it if it meant saving Barry. 

"Ok, so this is it. When we open it..." Started Cisco.

"I don't really know what to expect but keep an eye out for anything. We can't have anyone else escaping from it," said Killer Frost.

"Guys we are ready and so is the suit so lets not waste time here," announced HR.

Killer Frost and Cisco walked up to the empty space that they had created to open the speed force. Even though Killer Frost seemed to be cool and calm... Inside her Caitlin was scared. She hoped that all went well and that it wasn't too late to get Barry out.

"Ok, let's do this. Tracy, ready the bazooka and clear the pad. HR, bring the suit and place Caitlin... Get in it."

"Do I have to?" Questioned Killer Frost as she examined the suit. "I kind of like what I m wearing."

Killer Frost was wearing her suit. Her dark blue dress with knee high boots with a long coat.

Cisco looked at her with an expression that said...duh... 

Muttering under her breath, she took off her coat and stepped into the suit. Suddenly the suit came to life and started to mould itself onto Killer Frost. Just at that moment Tracy turned on the bazooka and with a loud bang and a bright blue/white flash there was a wormhole like thing in the middle of the room. 

"It worked," yelled Tracy. "But guys the thing doesn't have enough juice to keep it open much longer. Caitlin... Go..." She yelled. 

Taking in a deep breath... Caitlin jumped into the speed force. Just as she jumped in... The hole close and with a bang the bazooka threw sparkes and caught on fire. 

"Aargh....the only thing that could bring them back .... Just blew up. They are stuck inside unless we can make this thing work again to bring them back," announced Tracy. 

"Wait what's?" Yelled Iris. "I hope we just haven't lost both of them..."

Silence fell in the pipeline (where do they have people transporting in from. I forget what it's called). 

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