Fifty Nine

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Can't wait till the crossover. As it comes closer, my excitement level is increasing. Just hope the WestAllen wedding happens. 


Killer Frost hit the cold hard ground and so did Savitar across from her. She closed her eyes, trying to open them again but it felt like a hard thing to happen. 

Flash turned around to cheer with Killer Frost on their accomplishment but horror struck when he found her on the ground. Within a second he was by her side and he gently picked her up. Tapping her cheeks, he tried to get wake her. Finally she opened her eyes slowly. 

"Hey... Hey.... Look we did it. I need you by my side so come one get up," begged Barry. 

A smile spread across her face as she answered in a weak voice, "I'm glad that my final act was something that Caitlin would do, not Killer Frost. I wanted to leave behind something positive not a negative. I know that it had been a struggle and Killer Frost won in the end but that didn't mean that I didn't try." 

"Cailtin, don't say that. I'm where I'm is because of you. If it wasn't for you who stood by my side, accepted all the sacrifices that you had to make without any complaints. I was the one that didn't see it earlier that you meant so much to me. I'm sorry," said Barry. 

"I... I know that there is so much more that you will achieve. Don't let this or anything make you give up hope which in anyway would allow Savitar to win." 

But before Barry could respond, he heard a scream from the other side and saw Savitar trying to get up. He too was very weak but he tried to stay up. 

"Go, I'll be fine," lied Cailin. 

Hesitating, Barry got up and ran to Savitars side. He punched him and he fell to the ground. Flash knew that with all the power that he was hit, Savitars suit was no longer functioning. It was useless. 

"Come out of it and fight me. It's not going to help you," yelled Flash. 

The suit opened and from inside stepped out Barry who had a scar on his face. 

"I'm God amongst humans, they will all follow down to me and I'm not going to be beaten  by you."

"Too late, I think we win," smiled Flash. 

He punched him again and Savitar fell to the ground again. He was still too weak from the hit.trying to get up, Flash took the opportunity to give a round house kick to him again and he fell flat on the ground. Bleed now seeping down his head and nose. 

Flash slowly turned and started to walk away. Savitar was done and he had a more important person to be with. As he was started to walk away, Savitar got up and went for a final attempt to kill Flash.

"Barry, behind you," yelled Killer Frost. And with whatever energy she has manage to gather, she created an ice crystal which she threw towards Flash.

With a zoom, Flash ran to the falling ice crystal and caught it. Again tuning towards Savitar, he stabbed him using the crystal. This time Savitar fell but didn't get up. Instead his body turned to dust and disappeared. 

Barry ran back to Caitlin's side and this time found she not responding. Iris and Gypsy were by her side and trying to wake her but in vain. 

"She isn't responding," cried Iris. "Barry, please save her. We can't loose her like this... Not now."

"I'm not letting anything happen to her," said Barry. 

"Take her to STAR Labs, Julian is already there getting the medical equipment ready for her," added Joe. 

Without any delays, Barry picked up Caitlin's unconscious body and ran. He ran faster that ever as he wasn't going to let his love die... Especially without letting her know how he felt properly. He only stopped when he reached the labs and placed her gently on the bed. Julian came in quickly and attached all the monitors. He didn't look to happy and by the looks of his face, this wasn't going to be an easy fix. 

"I can try and help her but honestly don't even know what we are dealing with. She seems to have like nothing left in her to fight with. Her body is drained and powerless," explained Julian as Cisco and Tracy came in. 

Gypsy came in next through a portal holding the Savitar suit. "Don't worry, this is in no condition to work. We can actually use it and learn from it," she suggested. 


Barry, it's  been a week and there hasn't been any improvements. It's more like she is getting worse. I don't think it's fair on her to keep her like a vegetable state any longer. I know it will be hard but..." Said Julian but then stopped. 

"As long as I'm here, I'm not going to let her go. She didn't give up on me when I was in a comma for 9months, so I won't either."

Suddenly the alarms started to go off in the cotex and Cisco came running into the wing where Barry was with Cailtin and Julian. 

"Guys we may have a problem. You know how savitar opened  the speed force and all. We forgot that it was still there and Joe hadn't actually closed it. Savitar was going to send Barry in there in his place and now no Flash is in there. And it's not happy." 

"What are you going on abou?"

"There are lighting strikes all over the city and hevic all over the city as the speed force is off balance. And I don't know anymore than that," said Cisco in frustration. 

Barry turned and looke at Caitlin one last time before he got up and made his way to his suit. Since the whole incident with Savitar, the Flash had disappeared and now the city needed him the most, he couldn't let Cailtin down. 


Vibe and Flash examined the location where the speed force was opened from. What was this all about and why was it suddenly activated and causing all this mayhem. 

"Barry, I knew you wouldn't let this world suffer for all the damage that was occurred because of you," came a new voice. 

Turning around, Barry saw Jay. He had a smile on his face as she looked at Barry up and down. 

"You thought that it won't come back to you. It's your time to spend your life in the speed force. Feel that horror that I have been going through since I was sent here. Don't matter if it was Savitar who had doe  this all, it still was you and now speed force has come to collect. It will only rest and leave this  city and The people you love alone when you leave."

"Barry don't. We couldn't trust him then and we can't trust him now."

"I have to. My job was to protect this city and keep it safe. I can only do that when I go. In a way it is right. I was the reason why everyone was in danger and I was the one that thought that o could rule and manipulate time and become God. If I could have thought this once, what's to say it won't happe again?"

Barry stood in front of a big decision. He was the reason behind this all and he was also meant to be this city's saviour. What was he to do?

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