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OMG from last weeks episode of laughing so much... I watched last nights episode and cried. Last weeks episode was great to see that comedy back and seeing Barry smiling after a long season of stress and worry. Especially when Bart met Killer Frost.

And as much as I wanted Barry and Iris to leave I cant believe that they would actually kill her. Looking at the spoiler pics that came out, iris is there so I have a feeling that she isn't dead and that she will come back. It also shows Barry's mom and dad so not sure how this all will conclude.

But as a SnowBarry fan I can not, not talk about the Savitor and Killer Frost moment in last episode. All the chemistry in that small screen time. I really miss them together on the show. Feels like they have drifted apart so much that they barely have screen time together.

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Caitlin watched Barry confused. "What, why?" she asked finally.

"The necklace. That is the one that is keeping her away and helping you be you. We are working so hard to find a cure for that. She isn't the real you and you are stronger than she is," explained Barry.

Caitlin looked at him in silence, as she saw the concern on his face as he tried to explain this. "Barry, its ok . I get it and I also know that this all is too much. I hate seeing you all stress all the time. Maybe me not remembering all this is a good thing for me. I mean not having to think about... Killer Frost," joked Caitlin.

Barry smiled and Caitlin saw that all that stress and worry was gone from his face.

"You know you should smile more. You have a cute smile and you look good. Even a hero needs to be able to have moments or reason to just smile and relax," said Caitlin.

She walked away leaving Barry to watch her leave. She made a point and it came back to him how he was the first time they had met. Even with suddenly finding out that he had abilities that were unexplainable, he still was the same old Barry who liked to have fun. He was the one that had brought back the smile on her face and now he was standing at a point in his life where he was getting stuck down pressure and worry. It just made him feel better knowing that Caitlin was by her side.


"Hey I hope it is ok that I have once again come to meet you," said Caitlin.

Julian looked up from his work and saw Caitlin standing at the door holding cups of coffee. She had a smile on her face.

"Yes, you don't have to ask me that. You are always welcome here," said Julian.

"What are working on now?" she asked.

There was a hand piece on the table and some tools laying around. By the looks of it, it looked like some kind of gear.

"Well, I know that non of team Flash wants to face the fact that we can use Killer Frost and her abilities as an advantage for us," said Julian, with a smile and excitement.

 Confused Caitlin looked at Julian. "Wait... what?"

"Yes, I have designed this. This hand piece attaches to your nerve system. This has the technology of the necklace small doses of minerals will be released into your blood. This will press the killer side and you will be in control. This way you can fight by the Flash's side and help save iris," explained Julian.

"As well thought this plan sounds like, I don't know. How can you test this and see if it works. What if we take this necklace off and your so called technology doesn't work. Wouldn't we just be releasing her out there. By what I have heard she sounds like a nightmare. Cisco said that I fear her and would rather die than be her."

"I know that but I cant see you always seeing you living in fear. Why should you have to do that when its Barry's fault that you are here. Yes it is a dangerous process but trust me I have worked it out all correctly and it will work," said Julian.

Caitlin saw the excitement and confidence on his face yet still she couldn't agree with this. On one side she had Julian who was confident that this would work and that she wouldn't need to live in fear and actually use his gift for good while on the other hand there was Barry who said not to take the necklace off at any cost. There wasn't a cure for it. But he was going to find a way.

"Why do you blame him so much for all this? You are meant to be in the same team, you are meant to be working together to keep this city safe yet you give him a hard time for what he is doing. Barry has a lot of responsibility on him already and the last thing he needs is to have you blaming him for another issue. I may not remember or know who is at fault here, all I want is this all to be over."

"How can you blindly trust him. You know the truth about what he did and yet you still think that we should sit and wait for him to once again do what he thinks is right. Even though we can help?" asked Julian.

"Julian, I don't know what to tell you. All I can say is that by the sounds of it, iris needs more help since she is going to die if they don't figure out a way of defeating Savitor and actually finding out who he is. I don't want to fight with you and I'm not going to go against Barry. So please just drop it," said Caitlin.

"I wish I could just let that go. But I cant. I cant stand back and wait for everyone to once again forget about you while you have to go through another painful thing," said Julian.

"Why... why do you care about this so much," said Caitlin.

"Because I care about you and by the looks of it I'm the only one who does. I care about you cause I think I'm in love with you," said Julian.

Caitlin froze at this and back away. She didn't know what to say to him. Did she feel the same way about him. Looking deep down she tried to look for the answer.

" sorry Julian, but I don't think I feel the same way about you. Maybe if I remembered than I could give you an answer but for now I can only beg you to come back to STAR Labs and help save iris," answered Caitlin.

Julian wasn't the one that she cared about in that way. She only saw him as a friend and cared for him but not in that way. She didn't know what her feelings were before all this but she felt a stronger connection to someone else.

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