4: Horseface and a Horse

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You stayed up until around three AM riding on Star, peacefully trying to get rid of all the negative energy around you. But, that energy kept coming back.

I miss the times in Shiganshina. You thought. Brendan made me so happy.


I probably had a crush on him. There's no way he should have this big of an impact on me!


Stupid titans!

"[Y/N]!" Someone yelled. You snapped out of your daze and came back to reality.

"What?" You snapped. You looked down and saw Jean.

"I've been trying to get your attention for fifteen bloody minutes!" Jean shouted.

"Sorry." You said in a not-so-sorry tone.

You hopped off of Star and tripped. You fell forward, but Jean caught you.

You two realized that you were making eye contact and you immediately stood back up. You both blushed.

"You know it's three in the morning, right?" Jean asked.

"What?" You gasped.

"Yea. I came out to get you. I got worried." He said.

He got worried?

"I'm so tired." You yawned.

Jean hopped onto Star.

"You know how to ride a horse?" You cocked a brow.

"Yea, I'm a pretty decent rider." He smirked.

He gestured for you to get onto Star, and you did.

"We're quite far from the stables." Jean murmured.

Jean gestured Star to go full speed. You quickly wrapped your arms around Jean's waist.

"Whoa!" You said, startled.

As you made your way to the stables, all you heard were Star's light hooves clicking on the ground. Your hair flew with the breeze.

"You sure know how to control a horse." You stated. "Ironic, because Eren calls you horseface."

"Shut up." Jean chuckled, lightly blushing.

"Why do you out of all people wanna see me happy?" You asked Jean.

"I want to know what it feels like to be friends with you." He said. "I want to see what your friend saw, you know?"

You nodded and rested your head on Jean's back. You drifted into sleep, your cold body against Jean's warm one.

You were in your bed, sleeping peacefully. Until you felt a presence near your bed.

You slowly opened up your eyes to see Jean, Marco, and Christina by your bed.

Since you were on the top bunk, they couldn't get you down and couldn't force you to wake up.

"Wake up!" Your mom chirped.

You groaned and turned to face the wall. "Go away."

"Why am I here?" Marco asked.

"Because Jean has a big mouth." You groaned, flapping your hand beside you up and down, signalling for them to leave. A tick mark appeared on Christina's forehead.

"I see you're still the same." Christina sighed, remembering how hard it was to make you wake up for school. "Get up or else your not getting food." Your mom threatned.

"Don't worry, Mikasa will give me her leftovers." You slurred.

Jean was starting to get annoyed. "Get up or else I'll come up and get you myself!"

"That would be nice." You said, lazily. "I wouldn't have to walk."

"I see. You always get up when Keith comes to tell you you overslept, but with us it's no big deal!" Jean scoffed.

"I'll go get him." Your mom said.

You immediately sat up. "Please don't bring Keith!" You begged. "He'll take the closest thing he can find and beat me with it!"

"That was easy." Marco sighed.

You came down from your bunk and grabbed your hairbrush from your bag. You started to comb your hair.

"Today we will do some ODM gear practice in the forest, so get ready quickly." Your mom said.

"With him?" You pointed at Jean.

You and Jean were giving each tot her lots of looks lately

"I knew you were lying about being [Y/N]'s friend, Jean." Christina said. "You made it pretty obvious. I just wanted to see how long this would last, but now, both of you are. You are going to help [Y/N] find closure." Christina left, leaving you, Marco, and Jean behind inside the cabin.

Marco sighed. "I guess Jean and I won't mind an extra friend." Marco smiled.

"Sure. You can try helping me find closure." You mocked your mom.

Jean rolled his eyes. "I doubt we'll be able to help you. You're saltier than Yeager."

Now that pissed you off. You went up to Jean and grabbed his collar. You lifted him 2 millimeters off the ground.

"What'd you say, horseface?"

"I said that no one can help you, salty-ass bitch!" Jean pushed you away.

"We don't have to fight first thing in the morning." Marco got in between you and Jean. "Let (y/n) change, and we'll forget about this fight." Marco pushed Jean out the door and closed it behind him.

"Ugh, what does my mom see in that idiot." You scoffed.

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